[[Observing Log]] ---- #contents ---- * CSV2016: Preparations (2016-08-09) [#dd1269df] ** Tasks [#ibe666f2] - Tuning procedures of DASH345 and BAND8 - Continuum observation testing -- Test observation tables -- Make sure that Saturn can be detected - Optical telescope testing -- Confirm that stars can be detected close to the center position of optical telescope images -- Test observation tables generated by Matlab ---- ** Information [#z5e2969b] - Observers: Kamazaki - Site: Mitaka - Weather conditions (2016-08-08T23:40) Temperature: -5.7 C Humidity: 1.6 hPa Wind: 5.3 m/s, 274 deg 220GHz opacity: 0.062 ** Tuning procedures of DASH345 and BAND8 [#x33ddef9] - [[CSV (2016)>CSV/2016]] was updated following the instructions of [[ASTE-99:http://alma-comp.mtk.nao.ac.jp:8080/jira/browse/ASTE-99]]. ** Continuum observation testing [#c829d261] - UTxx:xx aste16/sbrf16/stx5d3 - UT02:49 aste16/sbrf16/stx5d3 - UT02:57 aste16/sbrf16/stx5d3 -- Quick cross scan toward Saturn -- Satrun can be seen in the plot of the raw LCK file (CONT.stx5d3.aste16.sbrf16.201608090258.LCK). #ref(lck_201608090258.png,,50%) -- No qlookc plot -> under investigation ([fjaste 00090]). ** Optical telescope testing [#gf0c3eb0] - UT05:22 aste16/optpon/L22h00m.start -- This is a test of an observation table for global optical pointing. -- Stars were detected at the center positions of optical images. #br #ref(opt_optpon.png) * fov = blc( 96, 96) - trc(415, 415) 001 [2016-08-09T05:39:34]: max,min,mean,sdev = 147 39 69.702 7.431 - UT06:25 the running observation failed due to "Lost control priority" &br; It looks there was a network glitch between Mitaka and the ASTE site. I could recover the system just by retaking the control priority. - UT06:32 aste16/opttrk/t000-06B.start -- This is a test of an observation table for long tracking of a star. -- A start was detected at the image center. #br #ref(opt_t000-06B.png) * fov = blc( 96, 96) - trc(415, 415) 001 [2016-08-09T06:38:49]: max,min,mean,sdev = 230 34 70.041 7.639 - UT06:49 Stop the table by hand - UT06:49 Stop by hand - UT07:28 aste16/optpon/L00h30m.start -- iOPT_17shm test -- xntpd was NOT running on aste-c1c &br; I copyed NTP servers listed in aste-v1c:/etc/inet/ntp.conf to aste-c1c's ntp.conf and then, restarted /etc/init.d/xntpd on aste-c1c. Now, xntpd is running on it. aste-cabin1c{astedev}112: /usr/sbin/ntpq -p remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset disp ============================================================================== aste-2co 16 u 10 16 0 0.00 0.000 16000.0 * .PPS. 1 u 9 16 377 0.49 -3.529 0.32 &br; aste-cabin1c{astedev}114: ls -l /etc/inet/ntp.* -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 369 Aug 9 07:53 /etc/inet/ntp.conf <--- current file -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 320 Apr 30 2002 /etc/inet/ntp.conf.20020430 <--- old file - UT08:31 Stop by hand