[[Observing Log]]

- Table of contents


** Observation from NRO [#h69c8ce9]
- S. Onodera
-- Skype: s_onod
-- tel: 0267-98-4307

*** M33 [#h2d94232]
- aa040ku / proj3

- UT 2011-12-01 22:51 Tuning (12CO)
-- El = 60deg
-- START TUNING: reg8xr.start
-- @aste-3c
   $ loatt_cats345_tune
   $ mmc1_rstop
   $ ifeo_tune 1 0.038
        ==> att 16 dB  0.045680 V
   $ ifeo_tune 2 0.054
        ==> att 16 dB  0.046805 V
   $ yfactor 1
        ==>  Y=3.119766 dB
   $ yfactor 2
        ==>  Y=3.733033 dB
-- START TUNING: reg8xr.start

- UT 2011-12-01 22:56 Pointing (12CO)
--(dAz,dEL) ->(-5.0,-3.0)
  Temp. :   3.49 C   Humid. : 29.04 % (  2.28 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :  16.63 m/s  251 deg   AirPressure : 571.75 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
 Current time = 2011/12/01 23:07:09
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/01 23:07:07
 Weather time = 2011/12/01 23:06:55
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -6.74,  20.55 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK
-- Ta*=6.92K(AZ), 6.96K(EL)

-UT 2011-11-30 23:16
-UT 2011-12-01 23:14
--(dAz,dEL) =(-5.0,-3.0)
--Tsys(345G)= 315, 294, 294, 304K
  Temp. :   3.04 C   Humid. : 30.00 % (  2.28 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :  16.00 m/s  255 deg   AirPressure : 571.83 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
-- Aspirin
 Current time = 2011/12/01 23:18:36
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/01 23:18:33
 Weather time = 2011/12/01 23:18:27
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = ( -12.63,   5.48 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 2011-12-01 23:49 Pointing (12CO)
  Temp. :   1.91 C   Humid. : 32.04 % (  2.25 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :  13.13 m/s  250 deg   AirPressure : 572.12 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
 Current time = 2011/12/01 23:52:16
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/01 23:52:13
 Weather time = 2011/12/01 23:52:13
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -9.63,  12.90 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK
--Ta*=8.22K(AZ), 8.38K(EL)

-UT 2011-12-02 00:48
--(dAz,dEL) =(-2.0,-3.0)
--Tsys(345G)= 286, 260, 259, 267K
  Temp. :   1.62 C   Humid. : 32.53 % (  2.23 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :  10.24 m/s  241 deg   AirPressure : 572.26 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
-- Aspirin
 Current time = 2011/12/02 00:03:09
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 00:03:06
 Weather time = 2011/12/02 00:02:57
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -7.37,  -1.53 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 2011-12-01 23:49 Pointing (12CO)
  Temp. :   1.48 C   Humid. : 31.56 % (  2.15 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   4.96 m/s  331 deg   AirPressure : 573.04 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
 Current time = 2011/12/02 00:53:28
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 00:53:26
 Weather time = 2011/12/02 00:53:14
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -9.76,   1.98 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK
--Ta*=8.09K(AZ), 8.14K(EL)

-UT 2011-11-30 23:16
-UT 2011-12-02 01:02
--(dAz,dEL) =(-1.0,-5.0)
--Tsys(345G)= 338, 333, 333, 350K
--Tsys(345G)= 350, 333, 333, 338K
  Temp. :   1.17 C   Humid. : 32.86 % (  2.18 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.40 m/s   74 deg   AirPressure : 573.09 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
-- Aspirin
 Current time = 2011/12/02 01:05:09
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 01:05:07
 Weather time = 2011/12/02 01:05:02
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -2.52,  -3.15 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 2011-12-02 01:37 Pointing (12CO)(check)
  Temp. :   0.71 C   Humid. : 33.14 % (  2.13 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.83 m/s  301 deg   AirPressure : 573.22 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
 Current time = 2011/12/02 01:44:20
 Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 01:44:18
 Weather time = 2011/12/02 01:44:17
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -5.46,  -3.04 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
 Refraction Corr. status : OK
--Ta*=8.12K(AZ), 8.41K(EL)

*star/planet formation process KS [#bbe554f8]
-Observer: T.Tsukagoshi
-Site: MTK
-Skype: tsuka_takac
-Project: proj0

-subref position was set to

**Log [#xef9f7f2]

-UT 01:54
--CO pointing
  Temp. :   1.51 C   Humid. : 28.60 % (  1.95 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.32 m/s  325 deg   AirPressure : 573.29 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 01:54:01
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 01:53:59
Weather time = 2011/12/02 01:53:51
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -7.26,   1.20 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK


-UT 2:14
--intensity calibration
  Temp. :   1.31 C   Humid. : 30.22 % (  2.03 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.10 m/s  255 deg   AirPressure : 573.43 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 02:15:24
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 02:15:23
Weather time = 2011/12/02 02:15:14
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -6.95,   9.71 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-UT 02:21
  Temp. :   0.65 C   Humid. : 31.53 % (  2.02 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.66 m/s  250 deg   AirPressure : 573.42 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 02:21:37
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 02:21:36
Weather time = 2011/12/02 02:21:28
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -4.83,  -3.82 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-stopped at 220 scan

-UT 04:14
--CO pointing
  Temp. :  -0.26 C   Humid. : 33.40 % (  2.00 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.23 m/s  241 deg   AirPressure : 573.39 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 04:11:20
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 04:11:19
Weather time = 2011/12/02 04:11:11
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   1.91,  -6.46 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK


-UT 04:32
  Temp. :  -1.22 C   Humid. : 33.40 % (  1.87 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   4.75 m/s  266 deg   AirPressure : 573.24 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 04:28:49
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 04:28:47
Weather time = 2011/12/02 04:28:36
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -0.28,  -6.52 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-stopped at 203scan

-UT 06:19
--CO pointing
  Temp. :   0.08 C   Humid. : 18.48 % (  1.14 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   8.73 m/s  195 deg   AirPressure : 571.98 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 06:16:25
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 06:16:24
Weather time = 2011/12/02 06:16:16
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   1.88,  -6.12 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK


-UT 6:31
--intensity calibration
  Temp. :  -0.70 C   Humid. : 19.97 % (  1.16 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   7.23 m/s  177 deg   AirPressure : 571.93 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 06:29:27
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 06:29:25
Weather time = 2011/12/02 06:29:21
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   3.38,  -5.80 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-UT 06:35
  Temp. :  -1.31 C   Humid. : 20.90 % (  1.16 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   6.40 m/s  172 deg   AirPressure : 571.91 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 06:35:33
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 06:35:31
Weather time = 2011/12/02 06:35:21
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   1.83,  -5.22 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-stopped at 170scan

-UT 08:00
--intensity calibration
  Temp. :  -1.09 C   Humid. : 10.07 % (  0.57 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   5.99 m/s  190 deg   AirPressure : 571.67 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 08:01:20
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 08:01:18
Weather time = 2011/12/02 08:01:07
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   5.63,  -6.14 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-UT 08:04
--intensity calibration
  Temp. :  -0.79 C   Humid. : 10.11 % (  0.58 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   5.44 m/s  189 deg   AirPressure : 571.72 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 08:04:47
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 08:04:45
Weather time = 2011/12/02 08:04:42
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   3.13,  -8.17 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

** Observation from Mitaka [#s2f4d813]
- K. Saigo & K. Kiyokane

- UT 08:14
-- rdor-p9.start  (pointing) 
-- (Az, EL) = (209,35)
-- (dAZ, dEL) = (-1, -4)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (-2, -1)
  Temp. :  -1.90 C   Humid. : 10.87 % (  0.58 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.96 m/s    9 deg   AirPressure : 571.86 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 08:18:17
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 08:18:15
Weather time = 2011/12/02 08:18:05
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   6.32,   6.05 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 08:25
-- ori-p9.start  (device check)
-- (Az, EL) =(-74, 42)
--(dAZ, dEL) = (-1, -5)

- UT 08:32
-- rdor-p9.star (pointing)
-- (AZ, EL) = (-149, 32)
--(dAZ, dEL) = (-1, -5)
--(ddAz, dEL) = (0, 1) 

- UT 08:38
-- MS1CO9p.start (observation)
-- (Az ,EL) = (-188, 32)
-- (dAz, dEL) =(-1, -4)
-- Tsys: (A1, A2 A3, A4) = ( 347K, 283K, 286K, 300K)
  Temp. :  -1.44 C   Humid. : 11.23 % (  0.62 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.23 m/s  293 deg   AirPressure : 571.93 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 08:41:24
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 08:41:21
Weather time = 2011/12/02 08:41:16
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   4.96,  10.48 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 09:13
--Trouble! Stopped observation
--Cannot access shared memory
-- (Az, EL) = (-186, 034)
-- at beginning of the 12 scan
-- connection recovered automatically  

- UT 09:20
-- 10216p9.start (pointing & calibration) 
-- (Az, EL) = (06, 53)
-- (dAz, dEL) = (-1, -4)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (
  Temp. :  -0.55 C   Humid. : 10.81 % (  0.63 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.01 m/s  296 deg   AirPressure : 572.06 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 09:23:28
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 09:23:27
Weather time = 2011/12/02 09:23:23
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (  -1.36,  -8.60 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

-  UT 09:27
--Trouble! Stopped observation
--Cannot access shared memory
-- (Az, EL) = (4, 53)
-- connection check from aste-mt2
aste-mt2{asteobs}51: /home/asteobs/bin/chk_connection.csh

***** One should consult *****
for the meanings of this test.

**** test on aste-mt2 ****
*** NETSTAT ***

Routing Table:
  Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref   Use   Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ------ ---------       U        2      0  hme1         U        3    981  hme0        UG       0      2        UG       0      0           U        3      0  hme0
default            UG       0  12826               UH       048616605  lo0

*** TRACEROUTE hme0 ***
traceroute: Warning: aste-2c has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to aste-2c (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  7.907 ms
 2  isg2000.mtk.nao.ac.jp (  1.506 ms
 3  fia101.mtk.nao.ac.jp (  0.842 ms
 4  tokyo1-dc-RM-AE-3-101.sinet.ad.jp (  1.721 ms
 5  tokyo-dc-gm2-ae0-vlan10.s4.sinet.ad.jp (  18.165 ms
 6  lax-dc-gm1-xe1-3-0-vlan10.s4.sinet.ad.jp (  115.136 ms
 7  xe-11-3-0.edge5.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  115.195 ms
 8  vlan90.csw4.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  128.120 ms
 9  ae-72-72.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  128.220 ms
10  ae-3-3.ebr3.Dallas1.Level3.net (  159.732 ms
11  ae-73-73.csw2.Dallas1.Level3.net (  159.403 ms
12  ae-4-90.edge4.Dallas3.Level3.net (  147.337 ms
13  TELEFONICA.edge4.Dallas3.Level3.net (  170.281 ms
14 (  175.690 ms
15  Xe-6-0-1-0-grtmiabr8.red.telefonica-wholesale.net.125.142.94.in-addr.arpa (  183.342 ms
16  *
17  *
18  *
19  *
20  *

*** PING ***
aste-rt is alive
aste-2c is alive
/usr/sbin/ping: unknown host aste-3c
/usr/sbin/ping: unknown host aste-v1c
aste-1x is alive

*** COSMOS SSH to aste-2c ***
NUMBER of ESTABLISHED SSH:        4  (normally >= 6 on aste-mt2)
NUMBER of TIME_WAIT   SSH:        0  (if any, might be the cause)

*** SSH ***
Fri Dec  2 09:32:29 GMT 2011
The RSA host key for aste-2c has changed,
and the key for the according IP address
is unknown. This could either mean that
DNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the host
and its host key have changed at the same time.
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/asteobs/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /home/asteobs/.ssh/known_hosts:47
RSA host key for aste-2c has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
Fri Dec  2 09:35:32 GMT 2011
ssh: aste-3c: no address associated with name
Fri Dec  2 09:35:33 GMT 2011

*** END ***

-- connection recovered automatically at UT 09:36

- UT 09:38
--10216p9.start (pointing & calibration)
-- (Az,EL) = (-1, 53)
-- (dAz, dEL) = (2, -7)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (1 ,1)
  Temp. :  -0.77 C   Humid. : 10.42 % (  0.60 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
  Wind  :   3.41 m/s  232 deg   AirPressure : 572.18 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 09:41:01
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 09:40:59
Weather time = 2011/12/02 09:40:57
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   1.46,  -9.49 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 09:47
-- rdor-p9.start (pointing)
-- (Az, EL) = (-148, 24)
-- (dAz, dEL)  = (3, -6)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (-4, 2)

- UT 09:59
-- MS1CO9p.start (observation)
-- (Az, EL) = (-183, 34)
  Temp. :  -0.94 C   Humid. : 11.29 % (  0.64 hPa )   Solar :  0.08 kW/m2
  Wind  :   2.46 m/s  253 deg   AirPressure : 572.28 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 10:00:49
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 10:00:47
Weather time = 2011/12/02 10:00:39
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   5.42,   8.26 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK
-- Tsys: (A1, A2, A3, A4) = (377K, 287K, 291K, 411K)
  Temp. :   1.81 C   Humid. : 10.10 % (  0.70 hPa )   Solar :  0.31 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.10 m/s  255 deg   AirPressure : 572.60 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 10:59:50
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 10:59:49
Weather time = 2011/12/02 10:59:41
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   3.78,   0.88 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK
-- stop observation at the end of 22 scan at UT11:03

-UT 11:05
-- rdor-p9.start (pointing)
-- (Az, EL) = (-151, 15)
-- stop 

- UT 11:08
-- r4211p9.start (pointing)
-- (Az, EL) = (-225, 38)
-- stop

- UT 11:11
-- rdor-p9.start (pointing)
-- (Az, EL) = (-151, 14)
-- (dAz, dEL) = (-1, -4)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (0, 0)

- UT 11:23
-- r4211p9.start (pointing)
-- (Az, EL) = (-224, 40)
-- (dAz, dEL) = (-1, -4)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (-3, 0)

- UT 11:33
-- MS1CO9p.start (observation)
-- (Az, EL) = (-177, 35)
  Temp. :   3.40 C   Humid. : 12.33 % (  0.96 hPa )   Solar :  0.45 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.50 m/s  104 deg   AirPressure : 572.89 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 11:43:20
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 11:43:18
Weather time = 2011/12/02 11:43:09
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   1.72,  -3.63 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK
-- stop observation at the end of the 20 scan at UT 12:32
  Temp. :   4.81 C   Humid. :  5.43 % (  0.47 hPa )   Solar :  0.65 kW/m2
  Wind  :   1.46 m/s   44 deg   AirPressure : 573.03 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
  Opacity @220 GHz :      ---
Current time = 2011/12/02 12:33:58
Aspirin time = 2011/12/02 12:33:56
Weather time = 2011/12/02 12:33:54
Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   0.16,  -9.39 )
Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )
Refraction Corr. status : OK

- UT 12:34
-- 10216p6.start (calibration)
-- (AZ, EL) = (-54, 32)
-- (dAz, dEL) = (-4, -4)
-- (ddAz, ddEL) = (4, 4)
-- stop

- UT 12:52
-- (AZ, EL) = (-180, 60)
-- END Obs.

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