[[Observing Log]] *subref. measurements [#a107c6ea] - Observer: T.Sakai - Site: MTK - Contact: tsakai_ioa_aste(skype) -Group: aste11 -Project: sbrf11 **Obs. Log [#tb765638] -aspirin windsw is off -UT 00:29 --tuning --jpr5c3 -最終日と同じパラメータを入れる --(dAz,dEL)=(-9,-165) --(dX,dY,dZ)=(0,-3, 2.02) --(tx,ty,tz)=(0.9,0,0) **1st [#ga4a2eb3] ***obs. [#i7f528e8] -一度確認の為に流す -UT 01:30 --jpr5c3 --AZ,EL=58,31 --dAZ,dEL=-9,-165 --dsx,dsy,dsz=0,-3,2.02 --dtx,dty,dtz=0.9,0,0 --Tsys=184K #pre{{ Temp. : -1.32 C Humid. : 10.90 % ( 0.60 hPa ) Solar : 0.00 kW/m2 Wind : 9.36 m/s 242 deg AirPressure : 572.47 hPa ( Rain: 0.01 ) Opacity @220 GHz : --- }} #pre{{ Current time = 2011/10/24 01:32:01 Aspirin time = 2011/10/24 01:31:59 Weather time = 2011/10/24 01:31:48 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = ( -6.81, -2.45 ) Aspirin status : OK ( C22:on C6:OFF WIND:OFF) Refraction Corr. status : OK }} -- sub-reflector is something strange... #pre{{ aste-1c{asteobs}55: telnet antgsub1 Trying Connected to antgsub1. Escape character is '^]'. Sorry, this system is engaged. Connection closed by foreign host. }} #pre{{ aste-1c{asteobs}51: telnet antgsub1 50001 Trying Connected to antgsub1. Escape character is '^]'. CSTU DSA0000000000000 CSTU^?^?^[[3~^[[3~ DSA0000000000000 CSON CSTU DSA0000000000000 CSOF CSTU DSA0000000000000 }}