[[Observing Log]]

* Bronfman's observation [#yc53d54d]
- Group:aa046kt
- Project:proj0
- observer: Yoshito Shimajiri (skype: yoshito19811024)

-UT 21:50 start tuning 
-UT 21:55 pointing
---Wind 8.2

Mistake device table

-UT 22:00 change device table and tuning again
-UT 22:12 

-UT 22:16 Don't use this data
--15'x20' OTF mapping
---Wind: 7.8

-UT 22:27 
--network trouble
--Restart cosmos3 & network @MTK, NRO

-UT 22:53
--15'x20' OTF mapping
---Wind: 8.9

-UT 00:40 

-UT 00:48
--Aspirin blue ON
--15'x20' OTF mapping
---Wind: 6.7

-UT 02:24 

-UT 2:35
--Aspirin blue ON
--15'x20' OTF mapping
---Wind: 2.5

-UT 3:13 
--Network trouble at a scan number of 72.

-UT 3:17 Don't use this data.
--Start this table from a scan number of 73.

-UT 3:20 
--Network trouble.

-UT 3:32
--Network trouble recover
--From scan#73.

-UT 04:42 

-UT 04:49
--Aspirin blue ON
--15'x20' OTF mapping
---Wind: 2.9

-UT 06:25 
--Too low EL. Stop observations and change target

-UT 06:37
--Coordinate is incorrect. 

-UT 6:47

-UT 6:57
--Observations for Intensity Calib
---Temp: -5.4
---Opacity ---

-UT 7:04

-UT 9:12

-UT 9:28
--1-126 scan
---Temp: -5.3

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