* NEWS [#l857b827]

- [[2020-02-07 Call for proposals for the ASTE open-use program:https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/cfp2020a/index.html]]

* Status Report &size(12){ --- ASTE status summary}; [#yc130ab6]

//- Overview
- Antenna
- Receiver
-- DASH345
-- BAND8
-- [[Current performance of DASH345 and BAND8, and their calculated system temperatures>Open-use_program/receiver_performance]]

- Spectrometer
//-- WHSF

* Open-use Program [#ycbece86]

** Schedule [#q66418d0]
*** Open-use program 2020 [#qd14fb96]
- Observation schedule
- Support scientist schedule

** Preparations of ASTE observations [#ud48f6ff]
- Observation account and access to ASTE network
-- Observation account is required for preparing observation tables, running observations, and reduce quick look data. You will receive the account together with access information to ASTE network.
- You need to prepare observation tables, which instruct ASTE on observation targets and so on, by yourself.
- Please make sure that your observation tables are created using the latest aobs by yourself. Past or other account's tables can cause observation failures due to inconsistencies with the current ASTE system.
- [[How to make "Observation Table">https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/guide/prepare/aobs/index.html]]
- [[A Guide to OTF Observations with ASTE>https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/guide/otf/index-e.html]]
- [[Sample device tables>Open-use program/sample device tables]]

** Observation operation &size(10){🔒}; [#j164f8b6]
- [[Observation procedures>Open-use program/observation procedures]] &size(12){ --- For observers};
- [[%%Operator's tasks (obsolete)%% &size(10){🔒};>_Open-use_program/operator's_tasks]] &size(12){ --- For Japanese operators, NOT for observers};
- [[Observation operation conditions &size(10){🔒};>_Open-use_program/observation_operation_conditions]]

//*[[FAQ / Known issues>_FAQKI]] &size(12){ --- For observers, the operation team};
*** [[Frequently asked questions and workarounds for known issues>_FAQKI]] &size(10){🔒}; [#ga771836]

** Data delivery [#o5f1cc24]
- [[Quick look data &size(10){🔒};>_Open-use_program/quick_look_data]]
- ''Full-size data''
-- PIs can download full-size data from [[''Nobeyama-45m / ASTE Science Data Archive''>https://nobeyama-archive.nao.ac.jp/user/index.html]].
-- The data will become available ''within 1.5 months (typically a few weeks) after PI's final observations''.
//-- F-FX mode data are not provided yet, because its linearity correction table is still under preparation.

** Data reduction [#k9be622b]
- ''NEWSTAR'' is available ''for position switching observation data''.
- Here are links to relevant pages provided by Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO).
-- [[NEWSTAR manual>https://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~nro45mrt/html/obs/newstar/]] (NRO)
-- [[How to install Java NEWSTAR>https://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~jnewstar/html/]] (NRO)
-- How to install Export version NEWSTAR ([[Japanese>https://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~enewstar/html/]] | [[English>https://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~nro45mrt/html/obs/newstar/export/install-e.html]]) (NRO)
- ''NOSTAR'', an IDL based package developed at Nobeyama Radio Observatory, is prepared ''for on-the-fly observation data''.
-- OTF data reduction page ([[Japanese>https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/guide/otf/reduct.html]] | [[English>https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/guide/otf/reduct-e.html]])

** Publications using ASTE data [#gc6c2b02]
- [[Acknowledgement and references in publications>https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/docs/publications2.html]]
- [[Publication list>https://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/aste/publication_list.html]]

* Calibrators [#e727593a]

- [[Reference Sources]]
- [[Pointing Calibrators]]

* Contacts [#n7ff85a5]

*** [[Contact information>_Contact_information]] &size(10){🔒}; [#ga771836]

- [[ASTE Helpdesk>https://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~nro45mrt/html/helpdesk/inquiry_form.html]]



//*[[Contact information]] [#l9352850]

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