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* Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) and CO(J=7-6) maps of a massive star forming region Orion KL [#h8123b9f]

:Last update|
-- 2021-08-03 released.
//-- 2021-06-04 CO maps were added.
//-- 2021-03-11 created.

:Table of contents|


** Data archive [#q3518555]
//- [[CASA data (image FITS, CASA MS2)>http://aste.nao.ac.jp/DemoData/CASA.tar]] (~1.5GB)
- [CI](3P2-3P1) data (CASA image FITS, 8.5MB)
-- &ref(20210303KLCIxy_0.5kms.cat10casa.corrected.fits);
- CO(J=7-6) data (CASA image FITS, 17.0MB)
-- &ref(20210303KLCOxy_0.5kms.cat10casa.fits);
- Note that these image FITS files were generated from NOSTAR FITS files using the following script.
-- &ref(Nostar_to_CASA_CAT10_CI.py);
--- This script just modifies headers of NOSTAR FITS files to avoid header errors at their import to CASA.

** Data information [#i092b09f]
| Target              |>| Orion KL (OMC-1) |
| Observation date    |>| 2019/10 - 2019/11 |
| Receiver            |>| CAT10 (DSB) |
| Spectrometer        |>| WHSF (FX mode) |
| Mode                |>| OTF mapping |
| Target line         | [CI](3P2-3P1) | CO(J=7-6) |
| Frequency           | 809.341970 GHz | 806.651806 GHz |
| Bandwidth           |>| 1024 MHz |
| Channel spacing     |>| 0.5 MHz |
| Velocity resolution |>| smoothed to 0.5 km/s |
//| Beam size (FWHM)    |>| 9.3 x 9.9 arcsec |
| Beam size (FWHM)    |>| 12.6 arcsec x 13.1 arcsec (after convolution with the spheroidal function) |
| Mapping size        | 8 arcmin x 10 arcmin | 4 arcmin x 8 arcmin |
| Total mapping time  | ~15 hrs | ~4 hrs |
| Tsys                |>| 2000 K at the zenith |
| PWV                 |>| ~0.5 - 0.8 mm |

** Data calibration [#g1af111a]
- Intensity calibration
-- The daily variation of the system gain for the CO(J=7-6) data was corrected by daily measurements of CO(J=7-6) peak intensity toward Orion IRc2. We also estimated a beam efficiency for the CO data at the position of Orion IRc2, whose absolute value was measured to be Tmb = 202 K by CSO observations (Furuya and Shinnaga 2009, ApJ, 703, 1198), and already applied the efficiency to the CO data.
-- The daily variation of the system gain for the [CI](3P2-3P1) data was corrected using same scaling factors as those for the CO(J=7-6) data.
Tmb of [CI](3P2-3P1) at Orion IRc2 was derived from multiplying Tmb of CO(J=7-6) by Furuya et al. (2009) with a [CI]/CO intensity scaling factor. The intensity scaling factor between the two lines was estimated at the position of Orion IRc2 by their quasi-simultaneous observations assuming the beam efficiencies at the frequencies of the two lines were comparable. Finally, we calibrated the absolute intensity of the [CI] data using the derived Tmb in the same way as the CO data.
- Weak emission line at off-position for the [CI] observations
-- We found weak line contamination in the off-position (-500" in Right Ascension from Orion KL) of the [CI] observations. The peak intensity of the emission in the off-position is estimated to be 3.9 +/- 0.7 K in Tmb, which corresponds to 1.7sigma of the noise level of the [CI] data. Although the impact on the data should be minor, we added the spectrum of the off-position to the [CI] data to recover the emission in the off-position.

** Sample images [#e570dc67]

- [CI](3P2-3P1)
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - Integrated intensity map |BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - Peak intensity map |
|LEFT: - Integrated v_LSR range = 0 km/s ~ +20 km/s||
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): [CI] - RMS map ||
|LEFT: - RMS v_LSR range = -20 km/s ~ -50 km/s|~|
-- Note that non-uniform noise levels can be seen in the RMS map.


- CO(J=7-6)
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): CO - Integrated intensity map |BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): CO - Peak intensity map |
|LEFT: - Integrated v_LSR range = -40 km/s ~ +50 km/s||
|BGCOLOR(#D0D8E0): CO - RMS map ||
|LEFT: - RMS v_LSR range = +100 km/s ~ +110 km/s|~|
-- Note that non-uniform noise levels can be seen in the RMS map.

** Acknowledgement and references in publications [#i7fa1456]

*** Acknowledgement [#y1fd402a]
- Please include the following statement in the acknowledgement, when you publish your studies using the ASTE demo science data:
The ASTE demo science data collection was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 18H03725.

*** References [#tf1eab4d]
- Band10 receiver
-- Ito, T., et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 114533Q
- CSV for the Band10 receiver
- CSV of the Band10 receiver
-- Kamazaki, T., et al. 2020, Proc. SPIE, 114533X
//- Please include the following paper for the reference to the ASTE demo science data.

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