#topicpath ----- #contents *衛星通信機器 (About the satellite network modem) [#g59b85bc] ** References for old network [#c54d004f] -modem: OCM1000 (ASTE site only) -- Manual(?): https://dominogate.gdc.com/mktg/brochure.nsf/602c7cb3efcf3b6a85256727006ddbc8/12cdab09f674c3ce85256aa90061a5e7/$FILE/OCM%20Overview%20519.pdf -modem: DT8000 -- spec sheet &ref{dt8000.pdf}; -- instruction manual(?)http://www.atrexx.com/images/aktuelles/File/IPSAT_Manual_RevC.pdf ** power line settings [#f0941b8c] - SPdA -- DT8000: on 100V line (DENKENSEIKI noise cut UPS 2011/07/10-) - ASTE site -- DT8000 + OCM1000 is compliant with 100V **モデムの置き場所(location of the modems) [#n61b90e3] ***ASTE site [#r436045b] 電源コンテナ入ってすぐの防塵箱の中~ In a dusttight box in (light blue) powerline container ***SPdA [#d855e2a7] FAXの裏に置いてあるUPS上の防塵箱の中~ In a dusttight box next to a FAX. **パラメータの出し方 (How to check the parameters) [#o1767dc5] -3つならんだボタンのうち、真ん中のボタンを押すと表示が変わる(添付図中1) -何回か押していると、エラーレートであるとか、信号パワーみたいなものが表示される --表示されるパラメータをメモする -5,6回押すと一周する -調査が終わったら、一番左のボタンを二回くらい押すと元の表示に戻る(添付図中2) -調査結果を下のリストに追記し、aste-comp に投げる #pre{{ もしかしたら真ん中のボタンじゃなく、その左右のボタンだったかもしれません。 その場合は上記と同様に押してみて下さい。 }} - press button 1, shown below, 7 times(?) to check all 7 parameters - record the values (which are listed at the bottom of this page) - press button 2 twice and the display will return to "LABORATORIO" again. - add the values to the list and report it to aste-comp atmark nro.nao.ac.jp &ref(es2.png); ** 山頂での注意点 (Note for checking the level at the ASTE site) [#k8f38bb1] 風によってアンテナがぶれて信号レベル(dB)が変動する可能性があるため、 数分間モニターして変動を確認すること。 また、風速との相関を調べるために簡単な定点観測を行い、時刻を記録しておくこと。 (風速はログから割り出せる。) Observe the dB level for a few minutes because the signal (dB) value may vary by wind speed which may change the receiving antenna pointing. Remember to record the time of observation to see how it is infuenced by the wind as the wind speed is logged by COSMOS. Reference: Web Envmon( http://aste-www.mtk.nao.ac.jp/envmon/monitor_www.html ) ** signal level log [#m7200a60] We do not have a nominal value. But it looks different by the receiving site. ==> We have to ask Telefonica. * Signal levels of a modem in SPdA, 2010/06/08 * just after amplifier was replaced by telefonica -> nominal value 2: Tx Clk 00 kHz 2: Rx Clk 56.000 kHz 5: Eb/No 10.7 dB 5: Rx Offset 5588 Hz 5: AGC level 127 5: Chan Er Rate 8x10-4 5: Buffer Fill Level 47% * Signal levels of a modem in Pampa la Bola, 2008 * had no problem -> nominal value?? 2: Tx Clk 128.000 kHz 2: Rx Clk 128.000 kHz 5: Eb/No 14.5 dB 5: Rx Offset 9514 Hz 5: AGC level 114 5: Chan Er Rate 0x10-5 5: Buffer Full Level N/A * Signal levels of a modem in Pampa la Bola, 2011/01/29, 12:41 PM * had no problem, but we don't have Internet?? 2: Tx Clk 127.999 kHz 2: Rx Clk 128.000 kHz 5: Eb/No 9.5 dB 5: Rx Offset 12199 KHz 5: AGC level 137 5: Chan Er Rate 5x10-4 5: Buffer Full Level N/A | date | level(dB) | wind(m/s) | Notes | | ''ASTE site'' |||| |[[20110401>Tasks at Site/2011-04-01]]| 10.4 | | | |20110330| 9.8 | | | |[[20100811>Tasks at Site/2010-08-11]]| 11.3 | >20 | | |[[20100807>Tasks at Site/2010-08-07]]| 10.5 | 11 | | |[[20100722>Tasks at Site/2010-07-22]] | 10.4 ||| |[[20100601>Tasks at Site/2010-06-01]] | 10.3 ||| | ''SPdA'' |||| |20110324 | 9.9 | - | restart SPdA office | |20100608 | 10.7 | - | replaced amplifier -> nominal value | |[[20100601>Tasks at Site/2010-06-01]] | 6.8 | - || #pcomment()