
* how to check the process running on VxWorks [#zbd6e2bc]

- command references:

- telnet task
 tTcpRecv102_tcpReceiveT  7e9aea0 120 PEND         114d04  7e98d50       0     0

- aste-1c{asteobs}51: telnet antgsub1
-- an example for Mon Oct 24 21:44:55 JST 2011

 -> version
 VxWorks (for PC PENTIUM) version 5.4.
 Kernel: WIND version 2.5.
 Made on Jan 28 2001, 22:38:36.
 Boot line:
 ata=0,0(0,0)host:/ata0/vxWorks.st h= e= u=vw pw=rainbow tn=subref f=0x08 s=/ata0/vxScript o=fei
 value = 145 = 0x91

 -> devs
 drv name
   0 /null
   1 /tyCo/0
   1 /tyCo/1
   2 /pcConsole/0
   2 /pcConsole/1
   7 /pty/telnet.S
   8 /pty/telnet.M
   9 /vio
   4 /ata0
 value = 25 = 0x19

 -> i
   NAME        ENTRY       TID    PRI   STATUS      PC       SP     ERRNO  DELAY
 ---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- -----
 tExcTask   _excTask      7fb3134   0 PEND         192856  7fb30a4   3006b     0
 tLogTask   _logTask      7fb0830   0 PEND         192856  7fb079c       0     0
 tShell     _shell        7f25f8c   1 READY        152d68  7f25c4c  3d0001     0
 tTelnetd   _telnetd      7f43fb4   2 PEND         114d04  7f43ee8       0     0
 tTelnetOutT_telnetOutTa  7eb63dc   2 READY        114d04  7eb6140       0     0
 tTelnetInTa_telnetInTas  7eac4f4   2 READY        114c6b  7eac204       0     0
 tWdbTask   139d78        7f3e824   3 PEND         114d04  7f3e778       0     0
 tNetTask   _netTask      7f70530  50 READY        156e37  7f704c8       0     0
 tFtpdTask  149790        7f42a50  55 PEND         114d04  7f42984       0     0
 tMotJack   _motionJack_  7eba704  90 PEND         114d04  7eba6c8       0     0
 tPortmapd  _portmapd     7f45e64 100 PEND         114d04  7f45d34      16     0
 tTcpServer _tcpServer    7edea2c 100 PEND         114d04  7ede90c      16     0
 tMotMan    _motionMan__  7eb8570 100 READY        114d04  7eb8534       0     0
 tTcpRecv102_tcpReceiveT  7e9aea0 120 PEND         114d04  7e98d50       0     0
 tCmdProc   _cmdProc__Fv  7eda898 140 PEND         192856  7ed8700  3d0001     0
 value = 0 = 0x0

 -> checkStack
   NAME        ENTRY        TID     SIZE   CUR  HIGH  MARGIN
 ------------ ------------ -------- ----- ----- ----- ------
 tExcTask     excTask      7fb3134   7988   144   948   7040
 tLogTask     logTask      7fb0830   4988   148   220   4768
 tShell       shell        7f25f8c   9216   832  3996   5220
 tTelnetd     telnetd      7f43fb4   4988   204  1088   3900
 tTelnetOutTa telnetOutTas 7eb63dc   4984   668  1300   3684
 tTelnetInTas telnetInTask 7eac4f4   4984   752  1388   3596
 tWdbTask     0x0000139d78 7f3e824   3976   172   228   3748
 tNetTask     netTask      7f70530   9988   104  1072   8916
 tFtpdTask    0x0000149790 7f42a50  11988   204   276  11712
 tMotJack     motionJack(v 7eba704   8072    60   656   7416
 tPortmapd    portmapd     7f45e64   4988   304   528   4460
 tTcpServer   tcpServer    7edea2c  16264   288   992  15272
 tMotMan      motionMan(vo 7eb8570   8076    60   656   7420
 tTcpRecv1023 tcpReceiveTa 7e9aea0  65412  8528  9028  56384
 tCmdProc     cmdProc(void 7eda898  130952  8600 15752 115200
 INTERRUPT                           1000     0     0   1000
 value = 36 = 0x24 = '$'

 -> ti
   NAME        ENTRY       TID    PRI   STATUS      PC       SP     ERRNO  DELAY
 ---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- -----
 tShell     _shell        7f25f8c   1 READY        152d68  7f25c4c  3d0001     0
 stack: base 0x7f25f8c  end 0x7f2387c  size 9216   high 3996   margin 5220
 options: 0xe
 value = 0 = 0x0

 -> taskShow
   NAME        ENTRY       TID    PRI   STATUS      PC       SP     ERRNO  DELAY
 ---------- ------------ -------- --- ---------- -------- -------- ------- -----
 tShell     _shell        7f25f8c   1 READY        152d68  7f25c4c  3d0001     0
 value = 0 = 0x0

 -> inetstatShow
 Active Internet connections (including servers)
 PCB      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address      Foreign Address    (state)
 -------- ----- ------ ------  ------------------ ------------------ -------
 value = 0 = 0x0

 -> ifShow
 fei (unit number 0):
      Internet address:
      Broadcast address:
      Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00
      Ethernet address is 00:1b:21:3f:c0:cf
      Metric is 0
      Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
      16125124 packets received; 16125399 packets sent
      590 multicast packets received
      590 multicast packets sent
      0 input errors; 0 output errors
      0 collisions; 0 dropped
 lo (unit number 0):
      Internet address:
      Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xff000000
      Metric is 0
      Maximum Transfer Unit size is 32768
      0 packets received; 0 packets sent
      0 multicast packets received
      0 multicast packets sent
      0 input errors; 0 output errors
      0 collisions; 0 dropped
 value = 29 = 0x1d

 -> pwd
 value = 6 = 0x6

 -> ll
   size          date       time       name
 --------       ------     ------    --------
   365568    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   BOOTROM.SYS
  1000863    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   VXWORKS.ST
       33    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   VXSCRIPT
     2096    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   RAINBOW.PRM
     2096    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   RAINBOW.BAK
   153978    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   SUBREF.OUT
  1249150    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   VXWORKS.A1A
   144143    FEB-19-2001  21:09:02   SUBREF.B0B
   146825    FEB-20-2001  16:17:04   SUBREF.B0C
   511118    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   SUBREF.A3C
   153978    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   SUBREF.B0E
   152994    MAR-28-2001  10:17:22   SUBREF.B0D
        0    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   POSCUR
   135718    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   SUBREF.B0A
        0    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   ENCCUR
        0    JAN-01-1980  00:00:00   TASKSHOW
 value = 0 = 0x0

 -> arptabShow
 destination      gateway            flags  Refcnt  Use           Interface
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------      08:00:20:f5:96:a3    405    2       22744         fei0
 value = 75 = 0x4b = 'K'

 -> hostShow
 hostname         inet address       aliases
 --------         ------------       -------
 value = 0 = 0x0

 -> ping "subref", 2
 PING subref ( 56 data bytes
 no answer from subref
 value = -1 = 0xffffffff = subref.out_bss + 0xf80ec777

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