

//*azelp [#k15559c9]

*IDL [#b71a8123]
-Server informations
|~license server|~site|~number of license|~version|~hostid|~uname|
|aste-1x|ASTE|1|8.1|a8c0d10b|Linux aste-1x 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5 #1 SMP Wed Nov 5 09:00:19 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux|
|aste-ax2|SPdA|2|8.1|a8c01615|Linux aste-ax2 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jun 20 02:36:06 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux|
|aste-ax3|SPdA|2|8.1|a8c01715|Linux aste-ax3 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jun 20 02:36:06 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux|
|aste-mx2|MTK|6|8.1|288524dc|Linux aste-mx2.mtk.nao.ac.jp 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 4 03:51:21 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux|

-IDL environments are installed into /usr/local/itt/idl


* COSMOS3 [#k856e007]

** Local controllers [#u28b306f]

*** SYNTHE (S99astref1, S99astref2) [#lc7e04ca]

(03-Jul-2012 - ytamura) A new LC for the synthesizer (1st local oscillator) has been replaced, which has new functions for frequency-modulating the local oscillator (FMLO) and communicating via LAN.  All of obstables that have been used for usual PSW/OTF observations shall run without any modifications of the obstables.

- Administrator: Y. Tamura
- Developer: O. Horigome
- Design specifications:  &ref{ASTEDesignSynthLC20120427.pdf};
- Additional functionalities:
--- The SET info newly implemented for FMLO are listed below.  The list sweep is triggered by 1pps signal from the clock device in the RX cabin.  Contact the administrator of the LC for the usage and definitions.  Normal position switching or OTF observations do not require the SET info: these are used only in FMLO observations.
   SET SYNTHE_B   MODULATE_FILE    '/somewhere/frequency_modulation_pattern.fmp'
   SET SYNTHE_B   DWELL_TIME       0.1000  # in units of seconds
   SET SYNTHE_B   OBS_BAND         512E+6  # in units of Hertz
++ Communication method
--- An additional communication method via LAN is implemented.  The method can be selected by editing the system definition file:
   aste-3c% cat /cosmos3/aste/etc/syn_dest.def
   # 2012/06/25
   # [LC]  [Interface]     [Destination]   [GPIB-ENET]
   # A-B   GPIB/LAN        GPIB:Addr(9-12) GPIB-ENET ID (GPIB only)
   #                       LAN :Hostname   *Case of gpib1, ID is 1
   A      GPIB            9               0
   #A       LAN             E8257D
   #B      GPIB            10              0
   B       LAN             E8257D
As of 03-July-2012, the SYNTHE_A and _B LCs select to use GPIB and LAN for communication method, respectively. Note that this definition file is only valid for the new LC, and therefore control programs that have been used for direct LO control (e.g., lo1onoff) still use the GPIB communication.
- Usage:
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref1 stop
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref2 stop
  aste-3c# cp /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refadm.FMLO /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refadm
  aste-3c# cp /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refcom.FMLO /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refcom
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref1 start
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref2 start
-- You can use the previous version of the SYNTHE LC by doing:
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref1 stop
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref2 stop
  aste-3c# cp /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refadm.20120628 /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refadm
  aste-3c# cp /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refcom.20120628 /cosmos3/aste/sbin/refcom
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref1 start
  aste-3c# /cosmos3/aste/rc3.d/S99astref2 start

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