

**ASTE observation account 2017 [#f000fec1]
-uid: 17000-17099
-gid: 9600(astgrp)
-observation account template: a170nn(170nn,9600)
-aste-gw account prefix is 'bcg'
-Observation type
--''C'':Common-use, ''GTO'':Guaranteed Time Observation, ''AM'':ASTE member, ''AC'':ASTE commissioning, ''CT'':Chilean time
-Site : ASTE, SPdA, MTK, Remote
-valid until 2019/01/31
-(account: Y.Kato, merge+delivery: K.Ashitagawa)

|a17000&br;17000|-|test account|account for testing|AM||xxxx|-|-|
|a17001&br;17001|AC171001|Tie Liu|Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of High-Mass Star Forming Clumps|C||-|-|-|
|a17002&br;17002|-||for support scientists|AM||xxxx|-|-|
|a17003&br;17003|AC171003|Yuhei Iwata|Probing the Origin of the Highest-velocity Gas in the Energetic High-velocity Compact Cloud CO 0.02-0.02|C||-|0818|gw|
|a17004&br;17004|AC171004|Xing Lu|Densities of Massive Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone with N2H+ Lines|C||-|0807|-|
|a17005&br;17005|AC171005|Shiho Tsujimoto|Is the l=-1.2ยบ Region the Second Proto-superbubble in the Galactic Center?|C||-|0807|gw|
|a17006&br;17006|AC171006|Kazuki Tokuda|A complete census of high-density condensations in low-mass star forming regions with ASTE|C||-|-|gw|
|a17007&br;17007|AC171007|Kazuyuki Muraoka|12CO(J=3-2) mappings of nearby barred spira|C||-|-|gw|
|a17009&br;17009|AC171009|Takahiro Iino|Unveiling the sulfur chemistry on Jupiter's stratosphere with ASTE 300 and 400 GHz bands observation|C||-|-|-|
|a17010&br;17010|AC171010|Yusuke Miyamoto|Investigation of Molecular Clouds traced by CI|C||-|0803&br;0825|gw|
|a17011&br;17011|AC171011|Shotaro Azuma|Direct Determination of Gas Kinetic Energy Supplied by the W28 Supernova Remnant|C||-|0807&br;0825|gw|
|a17012&br;17012|AC171012|Shiho Tsujimoto|CO Isotopologues in the Ultra-high-velocity Wing in the Supernova Remnant W44|C||-|0818|gw|
|a17013&br;17013|AC171013|Yichen Zhang|Chemical Variation of Massive Protostellar Cores|C||-|0803|gw|
|a17014&br;17014|AC171014|Misaki Ando|[CI] and CO(4--3) in the Brightest Merging ULIRGs|C||-|0803&br;0825|-|
|a17015&br;17015|CN2017A-3|Sudeep Neupane|Characteristics of high velocity emission from five massive and dense SuperMALT clumps|CT|SPdA|-|-|-|
|a17016&br;17016|CN2017A-10|Chi Yan Law|Searching for Direct Evidence of Turbulent Amibipolar Diffusion|CT|SPdA|-|-|-|
|a17017&br;17017|CN2017A-57|Leo Bronfman|Molecular gas in the IR bubble-shaped nebula S64|CT|SPdA|-|-|-|
|a17018&br;17018|CN2017A-72|Leo Bronfman|Expanding gas filament in G345.5|CT|SPdA|-|-|-|
|a17019&br;17019|CN2017A-81|Monica Rubio|Studying the chemistry of massive star forming regions|CT|SPdA|-|-|-|
|a17020&br;17020|AC171020|Tie Liu|The distribution of neutral atomic carbon in the bright-rimmed clump PGCC G192.32-11.88|C||-|1004|-|
|a17022&br;17022|AC171022|Kengo Tachihara|Absorption by atomic carbon in the cold neutral medium|C||-|-|gw|
|a17023&br;17023|AC171023|Kazuki Tokuda|An extensive survey of high-density clumps in the LMC|C||-|-|-|
|a17025&br;17025|AC171025|Yuri Nishimura|Characterizing chemical composition in the local luminous infrared galaxies|C||-|0818&br;1004|gw|
|a17045&br;17045|AC171015|Aya Higuchi|[C I] observations toward gaseous debris disks|C||-|0818|-|
|a17046&br;17046|AC171016|Shigehisa Takakuwa|Verification of Gas Rotation Controlled by the Magnetic Fields in the Class I Protostar IRAS 04169+2702|C||-|-|-|
|a17048&br;17048|AC171018|Sofia Wallstrom|The Nearby Evolved Stars Survey: the gas-mass return to the Galactic interstellar medium|C||-|1004|-|
|a17049&br;17049|AC171019|Satoshi Ohashi|Understanding the different chemical composition in the OMC-2/3 region using atomic carbon|C||-|1004|-|

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