[[Commissioning and Science Verification]]

* Subref position offsets for single-beam receivers > Measurement [#v18a7ac7]

:Revision history|
-- 2016-08-01 - Kamazaki,T. - created

:Table of contents|


** Preparations [#t777ebac]

+ Login to COSMOS3 manager GUI with Group=''asteXX'' (e.g. aste16) and Project=''sbref''
+ Tune the receiver to be used
+ Check Aspirin is in the ''WIND ON'' mode
-- Aspirin status can be confirmed by looking at the Aspirin Monitor window. Check the following three items.
 Current time = 2016/09/02 08:22:15    <-+- The differences among these three times
 Aspirin time = 2016/09/02 08:22:14    <-+  should be less than 60 seconds.
 Weather time = 2016/09/02 08:22:08    <-+
 Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   6.64,   0.42 )
 Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )    <--- should be "WIND_ON"
 Refraction Corr. status : OK                                 <--- should be "OK"
+ Launch ''CONT qlook (qlookc)'' from cos3launcher
-- Turn on ''auto-pointing''.
-- Push the ''START'' button.

** Measurement [#b3daf6d7]

- Check list
-- Aspirin is running in the ''WIND ON'' mode.
-- ''Auto-pointing is enabled'' on the CONT qlook.
+ Adjust pointing using either of the following observation tables
|CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Project|CENTER: Obs. file|h
+ Measure z-position of the sub-reflector by running either of the following observation tables
|CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Project|CENTER: Obs. file|h
-- if ''|dz| > 0.1 mm'', add its resultant offset to dz.
+ Run either of the following observation lists in the batch mode of the COSMOS3 manager GUI
-- Position offsets
|CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Project|CENTER: Obs. list|h
--- A loop consists of 12 observation tables
     e       A
     d       |X (dx=1.0 mm)
 g f a h i  <-Y (dy=1.0 mm)
--- Data are reduced by a unit of the loop. Stop running observations after the last observation table "a", if necessary.
-- Tilt offsets
|CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Project|CENTER: Obs. list|h
--- A loop consists of 11 observation tables
     i       A
     h       |X (ddtx=0.5 deg)
 c b a d e  <-Y (ddty=0.5 deg)
--- Data are reduced by a unit of the loop. Stop running observations after the last observation table "a", if necessary.

// End of the page

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