[[Commissioning and Science Verification]] * Beam map > Measurement and analysis for single-beam receivers [#wf9a87e7] :Revision history| -- 2016-07-26 - Kamazaki,T. - created -- 2016-09-02 - Kamazaki,T. - added two obs. tables for fine maps :Table of contents| #contents ---- ** Preparations [#bf653982] + Login to COSMOS3 manager GUI with Group=''asteXX'' (e.g. aste16) and Project=''sbref'' + Tune the receiver to be used + Check Aspirin is in the ''WIND ON'' mode -- Aspirin status can be confirmed by looking at the Aspirin Monitor window. Check the following three items. Current time = 2016/09/02 08:22:15 <--- The differences among these three times Aspirin time = 2016/09/02 08:22:14 <--- should be less than 60 seconds. Weather time = 2016/09/02 08:22:08 <--- Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = ( 6.64, 0.42 ) Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on C6:OFF WIND:on ) <--- should be "WIND_ON" Refraction Corr. status : OK <--- should be "OK" + Launch ''CONT qlook (qlookc)'' from cos3launcher -- Push the ''START'' button ** Measurement [#ld2b04de] + Adjust pointing using either of the following observation tables (preferable, but can skip) #br |CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Obs. file|h |Jupiter|DASH345|jpx5d3.start| |~|BAND8|jpx5b8.start| |Saturn|DASH345|stx5d3.start| |~|BAND8|stx5b8.start| #br -- Pointing errors like a few arcseconds can be ignored, because mapping area is large enough to cover the planets -- Auto-pointing is available toward bright planets -- Turn on auto-pointing on the CONT qlook if necessary + Measure z-position of the sub-reflector by running either of the following observation tables #br |CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Obs. file|h |Jupiter|DASH345|jpsbd3z.start| |~|BAND8|jpsbb8z.start| |Saturn|DASH345|stsbd3z.start| |~|BAND8|stsbb8z.start| #br -- if ''|dz| > 0.1 mm'', add its resultant offset to dz. -- The additional offset in z-axis might slight pointing offsets. However, this can be ignored because of mapping observations. + Run either of the following observation tables according to a planet and a receiver [#t513e168] #br |CENTER: Planet|CENTER: Receiver|CENTER: Obs. file|CENTER: Mapping parameters|CENTER: Comments|h |Jupiter|DASH345|jpr20d3.start|20' x 20', 30" spacing|quick map for a larger area| |~|~|jpr10d3.start|10' x 10', 15" spacing|quick map for a large area| |~|~|jpr05d3.start|5' x 5', 10" spacing|quick map for a small area| |~|~|jpr02d3.start|2' x 2', 10" spacing|quick map for a smaller area| |~|~|jpb3xd3.start|3'20" x 3'20", 4" spacing, x-scan|fine map| |~|~|jpb3yd3.start|3'20" x 3'20", 4" spacing, y-scan|~| |~|BAND8|jpr20b8.start|20' x 20', 30" spacing|quick map for a larger area| |~|~|jpr10b8.start|10' x 10', 15"spacing|quick map for a large area| |~|~|jpr05b8.start|5' x 5', 8"spacing|quick map for a small area| |~|~|jpr02b8.start|2' x 2', 8"spacing|quick map for a smaller area| |~|~|jpb3xb8.start|3'20" x 3'20", 4" spacing, x-scan|fine map| |~|~|jpb3yb8.start|3'20" x 3'20", 4" spacing, y-scan|~| |Saturn|DASH345|str20d3.start|20' x 20', 30" spacing|quick map for a larger area| |~|~|str10d3.start|10' x 10', 15" spacing|quick map for a large area| |~|~|str05d3.start|5' x 5', 10" spacing|quick map for a small area| |~|~|str02d3.start|2' x 2', 10" spacing|quick map for a smaller area| |~|~|stb2xd3.start|2' x 2', 4" spacing, x-scan|fine map| |~|~|stb2yd3.start|2' x 2', 4" spacing, y-scan|~| |~|BAND8|str20b8.start|20' x 20', 30" spacing|quick map for a larger area| |~|~|str10b8.start|10' x 10', 15"spacing|quick map for a large area| |~|~|str05b8.start|5' x 5', 8"spacing|quick map for a small area| |~|~|str02b8.start|2' x 2', 8"spacing|quick map for a smaller area| |~|~|stb2xb8.start|2' x 2', 4" spacing, x-scan|fine map| |~|~|stb2yb8.start|2' x 2', 4" spacing, y-scan|~| ** Analysis [#za235565] + Login to an analysis computer (e.g. aste-ms1/aste-mx3) with account=''asteXX'' (e.g. aste16) + Rsync CONT data from the ASTE site asteXX@aste-ms1: ~/analysis/bin/cont_rsync.sh <project> <obs. table> <time> -link e.g.) asteXX@aste-ms1: ~/analysis/bin/cont_rsync.sh sbrf16 str02b8 2016-08-15 -link ... -- cont_rsync.sh ''-link'' automatically create symbolic links with old file names to new CONT files -- The symbolic links can be also created by cont_link.sh, if you miss to put the ''-link'' option asteXX@aste-ms1> ~/analysis/bin/cont_link.sh ~/sbrfXX/continuum/data/CONT.*.LCK + Run ''cont'' asteXX@aste-ms1> ~/analysis/bin/cont.sh ++ Map Analysis>CFITS +++ Select a LCK file in the ''.LCK File List'' button +++ Set parameters~ Normally, it is enough to use default values as shown below. &br; &ref(cfits_v6.png,,75%); +++ Push the ''EXEC'' button to create a image FITS file ++ Map Analysis>CMAP +++ Select the image FITS file created in the previous step -- &COLOR(RED){Endian conversion is UNNECESSARY for continuum data taken on Linux COSMOS3.}; -- ''LCK endian'' and ''FITS endian'' buttons are NOT available. + Read the exported FITS on ''ds9'' for further processing asteXX@aste-ms1> ~/analysis/bin/ds9_bmap.sh <FITS> -- Zoom --- Zoom->Zoom Fit -- Color --- Color->rainbow --- Scale->Scale Parameters Limits (Low, High) = (Min, Max) -- Contours --- Analysis->Contour Parameters Levels = 10, Smoothness = 1, Limits (Low, High) = (0.0, Max) -- Save to a PNG image --- File->Save Image->PNG // End of the page