Commissioning and Science Verification

Radio pointing offsets for single-beam receivers > Measurement

Revision history
  • 2016-09-01 - Kamazaki,T. - created
Table of contents


  1. Login to COSMOS3 manager GUI with Group=asteXX (e.g. aste16) and Project=radpon
  2. Tune the receiver to be used
  3. Check Aspirin is in the WIND ON mode
    • Aspirin status can be confirmed by looking at the Aspirin Monitor window. Check the following three items.
      Current time = 2016/09/02 08:22:15    <-+- The differences among these three times
      Aspirin time = 2016/09/02 08:22:14    <-+  should be less than 60 seconds.
      Weather time = 2016/09/02 08:22:08    <-+
      Aspirin Offset : (Az, El) = (   6.64,   0.42 )
      Aspirin status : ** WIND ON ** ( C22:on  C6:OFF WIND:on )    <--- should be "WIND_ON"
      Refraction Corr. status : OK                                 <--- should be "OK"
  4. Launch CONT qlook (qlookc) from cos3launcher
    • Make sure auto-pointing is disabled.
    • Push the START button.

Initial pointing

  1. Adjust pointing using either of the following observation tables

Check OPT images and start iOPT

  1. Check an OPT image
  2. Start iOPT on aste-c1c (= aste-cabin1c)
    • iOPT calculates pointing offsets from optical images and records their results to files.
    1. Login to aste-c1c with astecntl
      > ssh astecntl@aste-c1c
    2. Confirm that no iOPT is running on aste-c1c
      astecntl@aste-cabin1c: ps -ef | grep iOPT | grep -v grep
      • If nothing is displayed, go to the next step. If iOPT_r17shm exists, kill it.
      astecntl  4846  4806 38 23:57:49 pts/0    8:38 /cosmos3/naoj/sbinSol/iOPT_r17shm
      astecntl@aste-cabin1c: kill 4846
    3. Run iOPT in the directory of ~astecntl/optpon on aste-c1c
      astecntl@aste-cabin1c: cd ~/optpon
      astecntl@aste-cabin1c: pwd
      astecntl@aste-cabin1c: /cosmos3/naoj/sbinSol/iOPT_r17shm
    4. Confirm "Antenna not ready" messages
      • 10-20 measured offsets will be displayed every second while the telescope is tracking a target.
      • These offsets are recorded to a logging file, whose name is
      • A new execution of iOPT creates a new log file. It is necessary to restart iOPT for another log file.


  1. Run either of the following observation lists in the batch mode of the COSMOS3 manager GUI
    • Don't forget to record dAz and dEl at the start of the list.
    • Don't change dAz and dEl during the execution. If a planet cannot be seen in the CONT qlook due to large pointing offsets, stop the running observation, adjust pointing and rerun the same observation list.

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