Commissioning and Science Verification
CSV (2016)†
- Revision history
- 2016-07-21 - Kamazaki,T. - created.
- Table of contents
General information†
Account and project†
- Group: asteXX=aste16
- Project:
- optXX=opt16: optical pointing
- sbrfXX=sbrf16: subref position offsets
- calibXX=calib16: calibrator survey
- Computers
- Analysis computers: aste-ms1(,aste-mx3)@Mitaka
Reference sources†
&ref(): File not found: "azelp20160815_cont.png" at page "CSV/2016";
&ref(): File not found: "azelp20160915_cont.png" at page "CSV/2016";
12CO(J=3-2) sources†
&ref(): File not found: "azelp20160815_12co.png" at page "CSV/2016";
Basic procedures†
Start procedure of COSMOS3†
Tuning of DASH345 for continuum observations†
(Under writing, don't follow this yet)
- Set antenna EL angle to 60 degrees
- Login to aste-1c
> ssh asteobs@aste-1c
- Set switch boxes
asteobs@aste-1c> swbox_ctl_rx 0
asteobs@aste-1c> synthe_ctl [A/B] FREQ 14.375
asteobs@aste-1c> synthe_ctl [A/B]
asteobs@aste-1c> synthe_ctl_be CONT
asteobs@aste-1c> synthe_ctl_be
MAC <- should be confirmed
Tuning of BAND8 for continuum observations†
(Under writing, don't follow this yet)
- Login to aste-1c
> ssh asteobs@aste-1c
- Set switch boxes
asteobs@aste-1c> swbox_ctl_rx 1
asteobs@aste-1c> synthe_ctl [A/B] FREQ 14.375
asteobs@aste-1c> synthe_ctl [A/B]
Tuning of DASH345 and BAND8 for line observations†
- Follow the procedures described in
ASTE (google)>Observing with ASTE>Observations>Tuning