Observation and Analysis

Restart COSMOS3 on the ASTE sitessh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all"
Restart remote-site COSMOS3 and its connections to the ASTE site on a remote sitessh -t aste-mt1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" (Mitaka)
ssh -t aste-at1 "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/sbin/cos3_cntl restart" (SPdA)
Restart Envmon and Aspirin
(Don't forget to restart ASPIRIN after envmon restarts)
(1) ssh aste-v1c "/opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd stop; nohup /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd start"
(2) ssh -t aste-1c "sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd stop; nohup sudo /cosmos3/naoj/rc3.d/S99astnaojd start"
Turn on Aspirin-blue (wind correction)ssh aste-1c "/cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on"
Display ASTE site statusssh aste-1c "/cosmos3/naoj/bin/astemon.sh -nw"
ShortcutDescriptionFull commandAvailable machine
restart_cosmos_allRestart COSMOS at ASTE sitessh aste-1s "/opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl stop all; nohup /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl start all"
restart_cosmos_sshRestart connection from aste-mt2 to ASTE sitessh aste-mt1 "nohup /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /home/cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl restart ssh"
restart_weatherRestart Envmon/Aspirin on aste-v1c.ssh aste-v1c "/opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/rc3.d/S99astnrod stop; nohup /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/rc3.d/S99astnrod start"
restart_aspirinRestart Aspirin on aste-1c.ssh aste-1c "/opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/rc3.d/S99astnrod stop; nohup /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/rc3.d/S99astnrod start"
aspirin_blue_onTurn on Aspirin-blue (wind correction)ssh aste-1c "/cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/windsw on"

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