- History
- View the source.
- CSV/OpticalPointingOPTSetup has been deleted.
Commissioning and Science Verification
Optical pointing > Optical telescope setup†
- What's this page?
- This page describes the way to setup the optical telescope for optical pointing measurements.
- Revision history
- 2006 - ASTE_OPT_FOCUS.pdf K. Nakanishi
- 2010-04-02 - modified by N. UKITA
- 2010-09-03 - moved to Pukiwiki by B. Hatsukade
- 2013-08-05 - modified by N. UKITA
- 2014-04-21 - updated by BH and YW
- 2016-08-01 - modified for Linux COSMOS3 by Kamazaki,T.
- Table of contents
Optical telescope setup†
- ASTE光学望遠鏡hardwareの立ち上げ手順
&ref(): File not found: "ASTE_OPT_Get-Started_v2.pdf" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingOPTSetup";
Focus adjustment†
- ASTE光学望遠鏡ピント合わせ手順 (obsolete)
&ref(): File not found: "ASTE_OPT_Focus.pdf" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingOPTSetup";
1. Display an optical image to check focusing†
- Login to the Mitaka analysis computer (e.g. aste-ms1) with asteXX (e.g. aste16)
% ssh -Y asteXX@aste-ms1
- Don't forget to add '-Y' option to forward windows.
- Initialize the video capture board (at the start of measurements once a day)
asteXX@aste-ms1: ssh astecntl@aste-c1c /cosmos3/naoj/sbinSol/optinit
device: [ ok ]
mmap: [ ok ]
init bcr: [ ok ]
init: [ ok ]
initLUT: [ ok ]
clear FB: [ ok ]
AVME-338B -> successfully initialized <--- confirm this message
- Display (a part of) an optical image
asteXX@aste-ms1: ~/analysis/bin/optshot.sh r 1 128
(1) Frame color to be dumped (normally, 'r'=Red is used)
(2) Number of frames to be taken (set '-1' for infinite loop)
(3) Image size [pixel] (set '448' for a full-size image)
This will display an image whose center is (256, 256) pixels and size is 32 pixels.
#ref(): File not found: "opt_optpon.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingOPTSetup"
- A star would be close to the image center, if antenna pointing is appropriately adjusted.
- Pixel scale is 1.27 [arcsec/pixel].
2. Adjust focus position†
- Run a observation table just tracking a star
group: asteXX
project: opttrk
observation table: Select a table close to the current LST
e.g.) t132-36B.start for LST13h
(1) R.A.
(2) Dec.
(3) Brightness (A>B>C>D)
- Login to aste-c1c with astecntl
> ssh astecntl@aste-c1c
- Connect the stage controller
astecntl@aste-c1c: tip serial2
connected <--- confirm this message for successful connection
- Move the focus stage so as to achieve sharp image in OPT
- There is no command prompt
- Each command has to be followed by twice inputs of RETURN
- Input ~. to disconnect.
- Print status
1, +12345, ACK1, ACK2, ACK3
+12345: current position
ACK1 X: command error / K: command success
ACK2 K: stop successfully / P: stop due to '+' limit / M: stop due to '-' limit
ACK3 B: busy / R: ready
- Move to the origin
H:1 ←原点設定(レンズ側の端を原点とする)
G ←移動開始(10秒くらい待つ)
Q:1 ←ステイタス確認
1, 0,K,K,R と表示されれば正常終了
- Move (※画像が更新されるまでに時間がかかるので注意)
M:1+P20100 ←20100パルス分移動準備
G ←移動開始
Q:1 ←ステイタス確認
1, +20100,K,K,R と表示されれば設定正常終了
M:1+P500 ←+500パルス移動
G ←移動開始
Q:1 ←ステータス確認
L:1 ←ステージを緊急停止させる
History of focus positions†
- Cannot login to aste-c1c
- Cannot initialize the capture board or take optical images
- No star in an optical image
- Make sure no auxiliary offset in dAZ and dEL. That is (dAZ, dEL) = (0.0, 0.0).
- Move the focus stage.
- Connection failures to the focus stage controller
- aste-c1cをrebootした直後は接続に失敗する場合が多いので、以下の対症療法を試してみてください(ほぼ百発百中)
- rootになる
- admintoolを立ち上げる
- 「シリアルポートの設定」を選び
- term/2を選び、(ダイアログが開く)
- 設定変更をしないでOKボタンを押す (あるいは、適当に設定をいじるが最後は元に戻しOKボタン)
- all ports busyが出た場合は tip のprocessをkillすることでも大丈夫
- キャビン(前室)に行って、ステージの電源を入れ直す (ラックの裏側のケーブルがやたらととぐろを巻いている中に、「光望遠鏡タップ」とか書いたケーブルがあり、100Vに差してあるはず。これを抜き差しすればよい)
- 電源を切ってもステージ位置は保存されます (ただしQ:1を送ったときに帰ってくる位置値は0になる。すなわち、原点(位置値=0)は、電源が入った時点でステージがあった位置に設定されてしまう←仕様)
- Focus stage: status error / command error
1, 0,X,K,R
- Focus stage: cannot display the status
一度 "G" (移動コマンド) を打って、再度ステータス表示コマンドを打つと、表示される場合がある。