Commissioning and Science Verification

Optical Pointing > Measurement

What's this page?
This page is prepared for optical pointing to determine global pointing parameters.
Revision history
  • 2016-08-04 - modified for Linux COSMOS3 by Kamazaki,T.
Table of contents


1. Aspirin is running on aste-1c

2. (dAz, dEL) is (0.0, 0.0)

3. OPT image

4. Start iOPT on aste-c1c


  1. Start measurements
    Group:   asteXX
    Project: optXX
    ObsTable: select an observation table close to starting LST
              (e.g. L14h30m.start at LST14:40)
    1. Observation tables shall be updated every year so as to take account of proper motions of stars.
    2. An execution roughly runs for about 80 minutes.
    3. 測定の視野は+-10秒角である (10.5秒とかの数値を表示したら、星像が視野の淵にいる。)星が全く見えない場合、星を長時間trackingする指示書を流して全視野撮像する(5へ)

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