

2009/09/02 04:55 UT 通信トラブル

2009/09/02 22:51 weather time on Asp. Mon. disrupted

  1. set the antenna control to STBY.
  2. restart COSMOS on aste-v1c, and wait for ~ 5 min. --> doesn't work!
     asteobs@aste-v1c % sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl restart
  3. restart astnrod on aste-1c, and wait for ~5 min. --> the weather time is now recovered!
     root@aste-1c # /cosmos3/aste/nro/rc3.d/S99astnrod stop
     root@aste-1c # /cosmos3/aste/nro/rc3.d/S99astnrod start

2009/09/02 23:08-23:12 UT ASPIRIN has NOT worked.

  1. set the antenna control to STBY.
  2. restart COSMOS on aste-v1c, and wait for ~ 5 min. --> doesn't work!
     asteobs@aste-v1c % sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl restart
  3. restart COSMOS on aste-1s.
     asteobs@aste-1s% /opt/sudo/bin/sudo /cosmos3/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all
    • Okay, aspirin now comes back!! move on to pointing...

2009/09/03 23:47 UT QLOOKトラブル

2010/04/12 04:20 UT aste-c1c トラブル

2010/04 COSMOS GUIで指示書が表示されない

2010/05/10 ``ERR CONT(911) Internal error (Semaphore)''

2010/09/28 It cannot get "time", even though I restarted cosmos@aste-1s

2010/10/05 iOPT が bus error で動かない場合

2010/10/14 Connection trouble to aste-2c

2011/04/08 ERR trk0002e trk_00 Can't read TIME/EPH file !

2011/04/14 MATLABのライセンスサーバーが落ちる (aste-mx2)

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