Top/LANTAP allocation

Allocation table

lantap0( - tap_sw
(1)aste-c1c - VME
(2)aste-c1c - HDD
(3)aste-c1c - CADAC
lantap1( - tap_sw
(1)Digital Backend - A/D
(2)Digital Backend - Formatter
(3)Digital Backend - Host interface
lantap2( - dasbox_sw
lantap3( - tap_sw
(1)Digital Backend - Correlator
lantap4( - tap_sw
(1)Meeting room - External light
(2)Meeting room - www camera(webcam4)
(3)Meeting room - Environment monitor
lantap5( - tap_sw2LT-3000
(1)AZ clinometer
(2)CADAC within AZ(cadac0)
lantap6( - tap_sw2LT-3000
(1)Laboratory - External light (Telescope)
(2)Laboratory - External light (Storate)
lantap7( - tap_sw2LT-3000
(1)Power generator container - daq1
lantap8( - tap_sw2LT-3000
(?)Antenna shelter
lantap9( - tap_sw
(1)aste-v1c - VME
(2)aste-v1c - HDD
(3)aste-v1c - CADAC(cadac1)
(4)weather station
lantap10( - tap_sw2LT-3000
lantap11( - tap_sw2LT-3000Cabin
lantap12( - tap_sw
(1)aste-r1c PC
(2)aste-1x PC
(3)LAN-GPIB for Digital Backend
lantap13( - tap_sw2
(4)subref PC
lantap14( BOOT Light RPC-M5CCabin
(1)TES camera Backend
(2)Lakeshore model 218 temperature monitor(GPID )
(3)Agilent E3631A #2(GPID 11)
(4)LAN-GPIB(IP:) for (2), (3)
not in use
not in use
not in use
not in use
not in use
nyamatap( - nyamatap_sw
(1)10MHz Reference
(2)TX. Gunn oscillator
(3)not in use
(4)broken - DON'T ASSIGN THIS!

How to control

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