Commissioning and Science Verification

Subref z-position offsets>Measurement and analysis for single-beam receivers

Revision history
  • 2016-07-26 - created by Kamazaki,T.
Table of contents


  1. Start COSMOS3 and tune a receiver to be used
  2. Login to COSMOS3 manager GUI with Group=asteXX (e.g. aste16) and Project=sbrfXX (e.g. sbrf16)
  3. Pointing
  4. Run either of the following observation tables according to a planet and a receiver


  1. Login to an analysis computer with account=asteXX
  2. Confirm that continuum data is transferred and is located at ~/sbrfXX/continuum/data
    aste16@aste-ms1> ls ~/sbrfXX/continuum/data/CONT.(obs. table).*.LCK
  3. Run
    aste16@aste-ms1> ~/analysis/bin/ ~/sbrfXX/continuum/data/CONT. ... .LCK

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