% ssh aste10@aste-mx2 % ssh aste10@aste-2c
aste10@aste-2c% rsync -avz -e ssh asteobs@aste-1c:/log/7/'real20100519*' ~/antlog/ aste10@aste-mx2% rsync -avz -e ssh aste10@aste-2c:~/antlog/'real20100519*' ~/antlog/
aste10@aste-2c% rsync -avz -e ssh asteobs@aste-1c:/log/7/'real20110422*' ~/antlog/ aste10@aste-at3i% rsync -avz -e ssh aste10@aste-2c:~/antlog/'real20110422*' ~/antlog/ aste10@aste-mt2% cd ~/antlog aste10@aste-mt2% sftp aste10@aste-at3i <--rsynが使えなかった。 sftp> cd antlog sftp> get real20110422* aste11@aste-mx2% cd ~/antlog aste11@aste-mx2% sftp aste10@aste-mt2 sftp> cd antlog sftp> get real20110422*
astebeam@aste-mx2% source .cshrc.linux # <-- 当面はおまじないと思ってください astebeam@aste-mx2% cd ~/pointing/observations astebeam@aste-mx2% ssh aste10@aste-2c 'grep "Oct[ ]* 15" /log/6/mess | grep START | grep -v Cosmos | grep -v SEND' > tmp.txt astebeam@aste-mx2% cat tmp.txt | grep sbrf10 | awk '{print $9,$8}' | sed -e "s/aste10.sbrf10.//;s/'[ ]*10/.start C0/;s/00\.000//" > tmp2.txt
asteobs@aste-2c% grep "Apr[ ]* 22" /log/6/mess | grep START | grep -v Cosmos | grep -v SEND > tmp.txt asteobs@aste-at3i% sftp asteobs@aste-2c sftp>get tmp.txt asteobs@aste-mt2%sftp asteobs@aste-at3i sftp>get tmp.txt astebeam@aste-mx2 % sftp asteobs@aste-mt2 sftp> get tmp.txt astebeam@aste-mx2 % cat tmp.txt | grep sbrf11 | awk '{print $9,$8}' | sed -e "s/aste11.sbrf11.//;s/'[ ]*11/.start C1/;s/00.000/.LCK/" > tmp2.txt astebeam@aste-mx2 % cp tmp2.txt ~/pointing/observations
ssh aste10@aste-2c 'zcat /log/6/mess.100801.Z | grep "Jul[ ]* 31" | grep START | grep -v Cosmos | grep -v SEND' > tmp.txt
astebeam@aste-mx2[~/pointing/observations]: ls -l /home/aste10/antlog/real20101015* | grep -v gz$ | awk '{print $9}' | sed s#/home/aste10/antlog/## > tmp3.txt
astebeam@aste-mx2[~/pointing/observations]: ls -l /home/aste11/antlog/real20110422* | grep -v gz$ | awk '{print $9}' | sed s#/home/aste11/antlog/## > tmp3.txt
wc tmp3.txt
paste tmp2.txt tmp3.txt > C10422.list
# 指示書名 LCKファイル名 アンテナログファイル名 dAZ dEL コメント ijpx5c3.start C010150719 real20101015071759 -7.0 +3.0 ijpx5c3.start C010150811 real20101015081026 -7.0 +3.0 ijpx5c3.start C010150843 real20101015084232 -7.0 +18. # EL<10
astepon@aste-c1c % cd ~/optpon/ astepon@aste-c1c % ls 20101015* 201010150123.tab # ← ここでは、このファイルを例にとります。
astebeam@aste-mx2 % ssh aste-2c -l asteobs asteobs@aste-2c % cd subref/iopttab
# USAGE: reduce_iopttab (iOPTが出力したテーブル) (恒星の名前) asteobs@aste-2c % ssh astepon@aste-c1c '~/optpon/reduce_iopttab ~/optpon/201010150123.tab 172-24D' > 201010150123_red.tab
astebeam@aste-mx2 % scp asteobs@aste-2c:~/subref/iopttab/201010150123_red.tab ~/pointing/observations
% source ~/.cshrc.linux % cd ~/pointing/observations/ % point_redux -l C10422.list
C01015jup.listに記述されている測定時間ごとの .dazdel ファイル (e.g., C010150447.dazdel)と、それらをまとめたファイル(C01015jup.dazdel)が作られる。
# NAME: # point_redux # # PURPOSE: # reduce a data set obtained for pointing measurements using # planets. # # INPUT: # lockin - name of a lock-in data file (omit the extension .LCK). # antlog - name of an antenna log file # dAZ - specifies azumuth offset in arcsec. The value should be # recorded by an observer in pointing measurements. # dEL - same as dAZ but for EL. # # OPTIONAL INPUT: # -v - can specify the num. of scans to average. The default # is 1 (does not average). # -o - can specify an obstable name actually used for the data # aquisition. The default is set to DEF_OBST. See SETTING # VARIABLES. (The current default DEF_OBST = jpx5cc3.start) # -l - may specify a text file that lists input parameters (lockin, # antlog, dAZ, dEL). # # USAGE FOR EXAMPLE: # point_redux -v 2 -o jpx5cc.start C711230429 real20071123042815 16. 34. # point_redux -l C90905jup.list # (where C90905jup.list includes (col.1) obstable, (col.2) # lockin, (col.3) antlog, (col.4) dAZ, (col.5) dEL.)
astebeam@aste-mx2 % cd ~/pointing/observations astebeam@aste-mx2 % iopt_track C01015jup.list 201010150123_red.tabiopt_trackは、主鏡成分を引き去った副鏡指向誤差成分をファイル C01015jup.r2o.dazdel に書き出す(r2oはradio-to-opticalの意味)。
astebeam@aste-mx2 % ls *.png C01015jup.r2o.png
#ref(): File not found: "iopt_track.png" at page "Observation and Analysis/SubRef/DataAnalysis_Pointing"
# NAME: # iopt_track # # PURPOSE: # models boresight offsets from the basic pointing model obtained # by optical measurements, and estimates relative offsets between # main-ref boresight and sub-ref boresight. # # INPUT: # listfile - a file listing LCK files, antenna log files, etc.. # The list file should be identical that used in # point_redux. # iopttab - a file including iOPT results. The results are obtained # with reduce_iopttab. # # OUTPUT: # dazdel file - includes the time sequence of boresights dAZ and dEL, # which represent the offset of radio- and optical-axis # (i.e., axis of the optical telescope for all-sky # pointing). # plot file - draws results on PostScript and PNG files. # # USAGE: # iopt_track <listfile> <iopttab>
% point_elfit -i C01015jup複数ファイルも可
% point_elfit -i 101003/C01013jup 101014/C01014jup C01015jup
(※) PS画像を書き出すには、~/pointing/observations/ ディレクトリに必要ファイルをコピーするなどして作業する必要がある。
# NAME: # point_elfit # # PURPOSE: # fit AZ(EL) offset values to a linear combination of sin(EL), cos(EL) # and constant. # # INPUT: # datafile - specifies the name of file(s) created by point_redux. # No extension (e.g. .dazdel) is required. If you set -l # option with a file name liting data files, you do not # need to specify <datafile>. # # OPTIONAL INPUT: # -h - shows help. # -a - shows result as a function of azumuthal angles. # -c - fits the data to a constant value. This option is useful # when you determine an pointing offset in the AZ direction. # -l - specfies a file listing input datafiles. # -z - draws a plot in terms of AZ for the horizontal axis. # # USAGE: # point_elfit [-h] [-ac] [-l <list>] <datafile> [<datafile2> ...]
d(EL) vs. EL plot: % point_elfit -i C01015jup d(AZ) vs. EL plot: % point_elfit -iac C01015jup d(EL) vs. AZ plot: % point_elfit -iz C01015jup d(AZ) vs. AZ plot: % point_elfit -izac C01015jup
% point_elfit C01015jup