Commissioning and Science Verification
> ssh -Y asteXX@aste-ms1
asteXX@aste-ms1 > ssh astecntl@aste-c1c /cosmos3/naoj/sbinSol/optinit device: [ ok ] mmap: [ ok ] init bcr: [ ok ] init: [ ok ] initLUT: [ ok ] clear FB: [ ok ] AVME-338B -> successfully initialized <--- confirm this message
asteXX@aste-ms1 > ~/analysis/bin/optshot r 1 32 (1)(2)(3) (1) Frame color to be dumped (normally, 'r'=Red is used) (2) Number of frames to be taken (set '-1' for infinite loop) (3) Image size [pixel] (set '224' for a full-size image) This will display an image whose center is (256, 256) pixels and size is 32 pixels.
#ref(): File not found: "t195.jpg" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingPreparation"
group: asteXX project: track observation table: Select a table close to the current LST e.g.) t132-36B.start for LST13h (1)(2)(3) (1) R.A. (2) Dec. (3) Brightness (A>B>C>D) 夜間Aの星はサチる可能性がある
asteXX@aste-c1c> tip serial2
"connected" と表示されたら接続成功
※ 接続に失敗した場合
3. コマンドを逐次入力
Q:1 1, +12345, ACK1, ACK2, ACK3
H:1 ←原点設定(レンズ側の端を原点とする) G ←移動開始(10秒くらい待つ) Q:1 ←ステイタス確認 1, 0,K,K,R と表示されれば正常終了
M:1+P20100 ←20100パルス分移動準備 G ←移動開始 Q:1 ←ステイタス確認 1, +20100,K,K,R と表示されれば設定正常終了ピントが大きくズレていると判断されたときには、数百パルス程度ステージを前後に動かしてみる。
M:1+P500 ←+500パルス移動 G ←移動開始 Q:1 ←ステータス確認
L:1 ←ステージを緊急停止させる
2003-04 | 13700(参考値) | 外気温0+-5°Cでの最適値(赤フィルターなし) |
2009-07 | 20100近辺 | Observing Log/2009-07-29 |
2010-04 | 21100 | Observing Log/2010-04-12 |
2010-09 | 0 | Observing Log/2010-09-09 |
2011-04 | -500 | Observing Log/2011-04-14 |
2012-06 | 20700 | Observing Log/2012-06-15 |
2014-04 | 20500 | Observing Log/2014-04-21 |
Q:1 1, 0,X,K,R
Q:1一度 "G" (移動コマンド) を打って、再度ステータス表示コマンドを打つと、表示される場合がある。
asteobs@aste-1s% /opt/sudo/bin/sudo ${COSMOS3}/aste/nro/sbin/cos3_cntl restart all
> ssh asteXX@aste-ms1
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab asteXX@aste-ms1: /usr/local/matlab/R2009a/bin/matlab &
You can skip STEP 2-4, if there is no update in the Tycho, FK5 and Hipparcus catalogues.
>> cd 11_StarCatalogue/Tycho >> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/Tycho >> step_00_19_6p3mag The following file will be created. ./tyc2dat6p3.mat
>> cd .. >> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue >> step01_tyc2fk5hip_v3 The following files will be created. ./ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_6p3_Sp_v2.mat (MATLAB file) ./ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_6p3_Sp_v2.txt (Text file) ./ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_6p3_Sp_v2.png (PNG file)
>> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue >> step02_tyc2fk5SpSepv4 The following files will be created. ./ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_R4p5_Sp_sep_v4.mat (MATLAB file) ./ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_R4p5_Sp_sep_v4.txt (Text file) ./ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_R4p5_Sp_sep_v4.png (PNG file)
>> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue >> step10_allsky_v5 48 tables (L00h00m.start - L23h30m.start) will be generated under ./startfiles5.
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/startfiles5 asteXX@aste-ms1: scp -p *.start aste-1s:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/asteXX/optpon/obstable
>> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue >> step12_iOPT_single_v4
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/iOPT asteXX@aste-ms1: scp -p *.start aste-1s:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/asteXX/optpon/obstable
>> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue >> step14_allsky_batch_v4
>> pwd /home/asteXX/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue >> step16_Long_single_v4
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/Long asteXX@aste-ms1: scp -p *.start aste-1s:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/asteXX/opttrk/obstable/