Commissioning and Science Verification

Optical Pointing > Optical telescope setup

What's this page?
This page describes the way to setup the optical telescope for optical pointing measurements.
Revision history
  • 2006 - ASTE_OPT_FOCUS.pdf K. Nakanishi
  • 2010-04-02 - modified by N. UKITA
  • 2010-09-03 - moved to Pukiwiki by B. Hatsukade
  • 2013-08-05 - modified by N. UKITA
  • 2014-04-21 - updated by BH and YW
  • 2016-08-01 - modified for Linux COSMOS3 by Kamazaki,T.
Table of contents

Optical telescope setup

Focus adjustment

1. Display an optical image to check focusing

2. Adjust the focus stage position

"connected" と表示されたら接続成功

※ 接続に失敗した場合

  1. rootになる
  2. admintoolを立ち上げる
  3. 「シリアルポートの設定」を選び
  4. term/2を選び、(ダイアログが開く)
  5. 設定変更をしないでOKボタンを押す (あるいは、適当に設定をいじるが最後は元に戻しOKボタン)

3. コマンドを逐次入力

History of focus positions

2009-0720100近辺Observing Log/2009-07-29
2010-0421100Observing Log/2010-04-12
2010-090Observing Log/2010-09-09
2011-04-500Observing Log/2011-04-14
2012-0620700Observing Log/2012-06-15
2014-0420500Observing Log/2014-04-21



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