FW measurement is running. WAIT FOR ~ 2 MINUTES and TRY AGAIN. !!! FW IS BLOCKING THE LIGHT PATH. !!!
asteobs@aste-1c: /cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw off;/cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on
teslx3> p3 teslx3> setup_for_observation.sh
teslx3> nohup scripts/batch_fw_attenuation.sh; nohup scripts/batch_fw_loading.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_dark.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_light.sh; beep.sh
teslx3> tail -100 history.txt | grep batch | grep START | tail -4
gc_raster_lb_7200x720_v600.start gc_raster_lb_7200x720_v600_lp360.start gc_raster_lb_7200x720_v600_lm360.start gc_raster_lb_7200x720_v600_lp720.start gc_raster_lb_7200x720_v600_lm720.start
uranus_azel_raster_1080x720_d6_t18 repeat
teslx3> nohup scripts/batch_fw_attenuation.sh; nohup scripts/batch_fw_loading.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_dark.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_light.sh; beep.sh
# After finish the scripts, tap following command and copy and paste the info(4 lines) to this Log.
teslx3> tail -100 history.txt | grep batch | grep START | tail -4
teslx3> p3 teslx3> th teslx3> ps -ef | grep batch teslx3> setup_for_observation.sh
## 2016/07/26 23:25 (1469575500) UTC START batch_fw_attenuation.sh, T_main=3.664, T_UC=0.2539, T_FPM1=0.2562, T_FPM2=0.2652, T_4KW=4.404, T_50KW=63.44, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(23:23)=0.0403 ## 2016/07/26 23:27 (1469575621) UTC START batch_fw_loading.sh, T_main=3.732, T_UC=0.2539, T_FPM1=0.2561, T_FPM2=0.2651, T_4KW=4.459, T_50KW=63.43, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(23:24)=0.0555 ## 2016/07/26 23:29 (1469575765) UTC START batch_still_dark.sh, T_main=3.786, T_UC=0.2537, T_FPM1=0.256, T_FPM2=0.2649, T_4KW=4.497, T_50KW=63.43, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(23:28)=0.0579 ## 2016/07/26 23:35 (1469576119) UTC START batch_still_light.sh, T_main=3.818, T_UC=0.2533, T_FPM1=0.2558, T_FPM2=0.2637, T_4KW=4.527, T_50KW=63.41, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(23:33)=0.0543
07-27 02:14:10 INF Start observation. 07-27 02:14:12 ERR 31 39 ANTENNA_G REJECT Instruct: SET command - 4th operand illegal (name: TRK_TYPE) 07-27 02:14:12 ERR Manager: Fatal ERROR. local:ANTENNA_G