FW measurement is running. WAIT FOR ~ 2 MINUTES and TRY AGAIN. !!! FW IS BLOCKING THE LIGHT PATH. !!!
asteobs@aste-1c: /cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw off;/cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on
teslx3> p3 teslx3> setup_for_observation.sh
teslx3> nohup scripts/batch_fw_attenuation.sh; nohup scripts/batch_fw_loading.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_dark.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_light.sh; beep.sh
# After finish the scripts(beep), tap following command and copy and paste the info(4 lines) to this Log.
teslx3> tail -100 history.txt | grep batch | grep START | tail -4 ex.) ## 2016/06/20 10:45 (1466419550) UTC START batch_fw_attenuation.sh . ## 2016/06/20 10:47 (1466419664) UTC START batch_fw_loading.sh .. ## 2016/06/20 10:49 (1466419798) UTC START batch_still_dark.sh .. ## 2016/06/20 10:55 (1466420141) UTC START batch_still_light.sh ..
G10.62_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start 繰り返し
J1924-292_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start J2253-161_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start
uranus_azel_raster_1080x720_d6_t18 (50 min)
J1924-292_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start J2253-161_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start
uranus_azel_raster_1080x720_d6_t18 (50 min)
J2253-161_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start PKS0537-441_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start
uranus_azel_raster_1080x720_d6_t18 (50 min)
teslx3> nohup scripts/batch_fw_attenuation.sh; nohup scripts/batch_fw_loading.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_dark.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_light.sh; beep.sh
# After finish the scripts(beep), tap following command and copy and paste the info(4 lines) to this Log.
teslx3> tail -100 history.txt | grep batch | grep START | tail -4 ex.) ## 2016/06/20 10:45 (1466419550) UTC START batch_fw_attenuation.sh . ## 2016/06/20 10:47 (1466419664) UTC START batch_fw_loading.sh .. ## 2016/06/20 10:49 (1466419798) UTC START batch_still_dark.sh .. ## 2016/06/20 10:55 (1466420141) UTC START batch_still_light.sh ..
## 2016/07/17 05:42 (1468734151) UTC START batch_fw_attenuation.sh, T_main=3.676, T_UC=0.2518, T_FPM1=0.2543, T_FPM2=0.2629, T_4KW=4.383, T_50KW=61.91, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(05:40)=0.0401
## 2016/07/17 05:44 (1468734293) UTC START batch_fw_loading.sh, T_main=3.75, T_UC=0.2518, T_FPM1=0.254, T_FPM2=0.2632, T_4KW=4.438, T_50KW=61.9, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(05:43)=0.0507
## 2016/07/17 05:47 (1468734457) UTC START batch_still_dark.sh, T_main=3.785, T_UC=0.2519, T_FPM1=0.2542, T_FPM2=0.2631, T_4KW=4.466, T_50KW=61.87, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(05:45)=0.0689
## 2016/07/17 05:54 (1468734853) UTC START batch_still_light.sh, T_main=3.79, T_UC=0.2519, T_FPM1=0.2542, T_FPM2=0.2623, T_4KW=4.485, T_50KW=61.83, azel=(180.4,90.0), tau220(05:52)=0.0646
J2253-161_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start PKS0537-441_pointing_b1ch058_b2ch027_azel_raster_240x96_d3_t16.start
uranus_azel_raster_1080x720_d6_t18 (50 min)
teslx3> nohup scripts/batch_fw_attenuation.sh; nohup scripts/batch_fw_loading.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_dark.sh; nohup scripts/batch_still_light.sh; beep.sh
# After finish the scripts(beep), tap following command and copy and paste the info(4 lines) to this Log.
teslx3> tail -100 history.txt | grep batch | grep START | tail -4 ex.) ## 2016/06/20 10:45 (1466419550) UTC START batch_fw_attenuation.sh . ## 2016/06/20 10:47 (1466419664) UTC START batch_fw_loading.sh .. ## 2016/06/20 10:49 (1466419798) UTC START batch_still_dark.sh .. ## 2016/06/20 10:55 (1466420141) UTC START batch_still_light.sh ..