- History
- View the source.
- CSV/SubrefPositionMeasurementSBRx has been deleted.
Commissioning and Science Verification
Subref position offsets for single-beam receivers > Measurement†
- What's this page?
- This page is prepared for ASTE commissioning and science verification activities.
- Revision history
- 2016-07-xx - Kamazaki,T. - created.
- Table of contents
- Login to aste-mx1 and start COSMOS3
- Login to aste-mx1 with "asteobs"
- Double click the cos3launcher icon on the desktop and start COSMOS3 GUIs by pusing their buttons on the launcher
- Login to COSMOS3 and take the control priority
- Tuning
- Set antenna EL to 60 deg.
- Set receiver signal paths
- Adjust signal levels
- Aspirin
asteobs@aste-1c: /cosmos3/naoj/bin/windsw on
Aspirin correction for wind is ON <- confirm this message
- Autop
- Make sure the following points
- Initial pointing
- Subref z-axis focus
- Start measurements