Commissioning and Science Verification

Optical Pointing > Preparation at the ASTE site

What's this page?
This page is prepared for optical pointing to determine global pointing parameters.
Revision history
  • 2006 - ASTE_OPT_FOCUS.pdf K. Nakanishi
  • 2010-04-02 - modified by N. UKITA
  • 2010-09-03 - moved to Pukiwiki by B. Hatsukade
  • 2013-08-05 - modified by N. UKITA
  • 2014-04-21 - updated by BH and YW
  • 2016-07-25 - modified for Linux COSMOS3 by Kamazaki,T.
Table of contents

Setup the optical telescope

Focus adjustment

Display an optical image to check focusing

  1. Login to aste-c1c with asteXX
    > ssh asteXX@aste-c1c
    (Direct login is available from aste-mt1 and aste-ms1.)
  2. Initialize the video capture board (at the start of measurements once a day)
    asteXX@aste-c1c> /cosmos3/naoj/binSol/optinit
    device:    [ ok ]
    mmap:      [ ok ]
    init bcr:  [ ok ]
    init:      [ ok ]
    initLUT:   [ ok ]
    clear FB:  [ ok ]
    AVME-338B -> successfully initialized  <- should be returned
  1. Display (a part of) an optical image
    asteXX@aste-c1c> livecamt R 30 15 256 256 40 
                             (1)(2)(3)(4) (5) (6)
    「(X,Y)=(256,256)を中心とする40x40ピクセルの部分画像を表示、30フレーム連続取り込み(表示)、取り込み間隔は15秒 」

#ref(): File not found: "t195.jpg" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingPreparation"

Adjust the focus stage position

  1. Run a observation table just tracking a star
    group: asteXX
    project: track
    observation table: Select a table close to the current LST
    e.g.) t132-36B.start for LST13h
    (1) R.A.
    (2) Dec.
    (3) Brightness (A>B>C>D)
  2. Login to aste-c1c
  3. Connect the stage controller
    asteXX@aste-c1c> tip serial2

"connected" と表示されたら接続成功

※ 接続に失敗した場合

  1. rootになる
  2. admintoolを立ち上げる
  3. 「シリアルポートの設定」を選び
  4. term/2を選び、(ダイアログが開く)
  5. 設定変更をしないでOKボタンを押す (あるいは、適当に設定をいじるが最後は元に戻しOKボタン)

3. コマンドを逐次入力

History of focus positions

2009-0720100近辺Observing Log/2009-07-29
2010-0421100Observing Log/2010-04-12
2010-090Observing Log/2010-09-09
2011-04-500Observing Log/2011-04-14
2012-0620700Observing Log/2012-06-15
2014-0420500Observing Log/2014-04-21



Procedures to generate observation tables for OPT

1. Run MATLAB on the MTK server (aste-ms1)

You can skip STEP 2-4, if there is no update in the Tycho, FK5 and Hipparcus catalogues.

2. Create a list of bright stars in a MATLAB format

3. Merge additional information to the list

4. Select appropriate stars

5. Generate observation tables

5a. Observation tables for optical pointing

5b. Observation tables for 「いつでもOPT用」

5c. Observation tables for batch execution

5d. ひたすら12時間追尾する指示書

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