Commissioning and Science Verification


Revision history
  • 2016-07-21 - Kamazaki,T. - created.
Table of contents

General information


Account and project

Cautions on operations

Reference sources


12CO(J=3-2) sources

Basic procedures

Start and stop

Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for continuum observations

  1. Set antenna EL angle to 60 degrees
  2. Login to aste-1c with asteobs
    > ssh asteobs@aste-1c
  3. Select CONT BE
    asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_be CONT           <--- CONT BE is selected
    asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_be
    status: swbox_ctl_be CONT
  4. Select either of DASH345 and BAND8 and then, set the frequency of the synthesizer B
    • [DASH345]
    asteobs@aste-1c: asterx_sw DASH345           <--- DASH345 is selected
    asteobs@aste-1c: synthe_ctl B FREQ 14.375    <--- 14.375 GHz x24 = 345 GHz
    ### After setting synthe ###
    FREQ = 14.375000000 [GHz]                    <--- confirm the frequency is set
    AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
    RF   = ON
    • [BAND8]
    asteobs@aste-1c: asterx_sw BAND8             <--- BAND8 is selected
    asteobs@aste-1c: synthe_ctl B FREQ 11.444    <--- 11.444 GHz x36 = 411.984 GHz
    ### After setting synthe ###
    FREQ = 11.444000000 [GHz]                    <--- confirm the frequency is set
    AMPL = 13.00 [dBm]
    RF   = ON
  5. Tune DASH345/BAND8
    • [DASH345]
    asteobs@aste-1c: asterx_set DASH345
    ### Query of LO Freq ###
    LO Freq = 345.000000000                      <--- confirm LO freq = 345.000
    Set ATT     : Pol0=225, Pol1=310
     Pol0 =      225   , Pol1 =      310
     Pol0 = 0.005490[A], Pol1 = 0.007567[A]
     Pol0 = 0.662948[V], Pol1 = 0.778741[V]
    • If necessary, adjust ATT values with loatt_dash345.
      > loatt_dash345 -h
      usage:loatt_dash345 -p0/-p1 [val]
    • [BAND8]
    asteobs@aste-1c: asterx_set BAND8
    ### Query of LO Freq ###
    LO Freq = 411.984000000                      <--- confirm LO freq = 411.984
    > GET_PA 0 
    > GET_PA 1 
    • If necessary, adjust ATT values with lopwr_band8.
      > lopwr_band8 -h
      usage  : lopwr_band8 [-p0/-p1] [VD]
             : VD range = 0.600 - 2.600 [V]
  6. Select a sideband (LSB for DASH345 and USB for BAND8)
    • DASH345;
    asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_pol 0 1           <--- P0USB and P1USB are selected
    asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_pol
    status: swbox_ctl_pol 0 1
    400:P0-USB	402:P1-USB                    <--- actually P0LSB and P1LSB(?)
    • BAND8;
    asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_pol 1 0           <--- P1LSB and P0LSB are selected
    asteobs@aste-1c: swbox_ctl_pol
    status: swbox_ctl_pol 1 0
    400:P1-LSB	402:P0-LSB                    <--- actually P1USB and P0USB(?)
  7. Adjust signal levels input to DASBOX
    • DASH345
    asteobs@aste-1c: cont_if 2 22                <--- NITSUKI CH2 = DASBOX CH11,12 = CONT CH1
    Cont IF #2 Lev. = -0.000264 [V]
    asteobs@aste-1c: cont_if 3 17                <--- NITSUKI CH3 = DASBOX CH13 = CONT CH2
    changed Cont IF #3 att. = 0 [dB]             <--- Just ignore even if 0 [dB]
    Cont IF #3 Lev. = -0.000301 [V]
    • BAND8
    asteobs@aste-1c: cont_if 2 21                <--- NITSUKI CH2 = DASBOX CH11,12 = CONT CH1
    Cont IF #2 Lev. = -0.000316 [V]
    asteobs@aste-1c: cont_if 3 23                <--- NITSUKI CH3 = DASBOX CH13 = CONT CH2
    changed Cont IF #3 att. = 0 [dB]             <--- Just ignore even if 0 [dB]
    Cont IF #3 Lev. = -0.000022 [V]

Tuning of DASH345/BAND8 for line observations

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