
FAQ / Known issues

What's this page?
This page lists FAQ and known issues of ASTE operations.
Revision history
  • 2016-09-18 - Kamazaki,T. - created
Table of contents




  1. Running observation does not start scans
    Here are points to be checked
    • Antenna PROG values are updated every second on the antenna console. If not, make sure that your observation actually starts.
    • Both of main and sub reflectors are in the PROG mode on the antenna console. If not, let them set PROG.
  2. No (valid) pointing-result is displayed in QLOOK (Line) while reasonable spectra are plotted on it
    Here are points to be checked
    • Make sure that signal baseline ranges (left line-free range | signal range | right line-free range; yellow lines in the plot) are reasonably set.
    • Make sure that the number of * (on-position) is 6 (normally, 1***1***) in a sequence pattern of a scan file for pointing measurements using the 5-point method.

Known issues and their workarounds

COSMOS3 Manager

  1. Observation suddenly stopped with the message "EMERGENCY STOP (Forced to stop) / Lost control priority." on the Manager GUI
    • COSMOS3 communication between the ASTE and remote sites was cut due to some (unknown) reasons.
    • Workaround: Just take the priority again by pushing the "THIS NODE" button on the Manager GUI, and you will be able to restart your observations.
    • (Added: 2016-09-28, Resolved: No, JIRA: Not created)
  2. New observation does not start with the messages "EMERGENCY STOP (Forced to stop) / Cannot connect with COSMOS3 Manager." and also "WARNING Cannot connect with ANTENNA_G infsrv (-1)" on the Manager GUI
    • The COSMOS3 manager could not connect with the ANTENNA LOC. Its possible cause is duplicate running of COSMOS3 relevant processes.
    • Workaround: Try to stop COSMOS3 TWICE at the ASTE site. If some relevant processes are still listed by the following command on aste-1c even after the stopping,
      ps -ef | grep -E '(astd|astkyr|astact|astqlcsv|cntsv|hlgsv|pcv|ant|ref|rxt|ffx)' | grep -v antstat
      stop all of them using the KILL command or reboot aste-1c. Then, restart COSMOS3 at the ASTE site.
    • If ASTE operation supporter is available, ask the supporter to reboot aste-1c.
    • If not available, ask Computing people or support scientists.
    • (Added: 2016-10-13, Resolved: No, JIRA: ASTE-160)
  3. Observation or tuning fails with the messages "Fatal error INSTRUCTION XXX" and also "ERR local:FFX descriptor=7 cmn_socket_read error = Connection reset by peer / Command SET: local FFX: not connected"
  4. Tuning never finishes, and FFX is in "NO RESPONSE" on the LOC activities GUI"
    mgui_FFX_descriptor_cmn_socket_read.png locgui_FFX_NO_RESPONSE.png
    (Left) Fatal error INSTRUCTION XXX   (Right) FFX in "NO RESPONSE"
    • The COSMOS3 manager could not connect with the FFX (WHSF) LOC. It would be that old FFX processes remain on aste-1c and still occupy some communication ports of FFX.
    • Workaround: Try to stop COSMOS3 (or FFX LOC) at the ASTE site. If some relevant processes are still listed by the following command on aste-1c even after the stopping,
      ps -ef | grep ffx
      # ps -ef | grep ffx
      root     22197     1  0 Oct11 ?        00:00:00 sh -c /home/asteffx/bin/if_bpf UW > /tmp/.ffx_exe.res
      root     22198 22197  0 Oct11 ?        00:00:00 /home/asteffx/bin/if_bpf UW
      # kill 22198
      stop all of them using the KILL command or reboot aste-1c. Then, restart COSMOS3 (or FFX LOC) at the ASTE site.
    • If ASTE operation supporter is available, ask the supporter to reboot aste-1c.
    • If not available, ask Computing people or support scientists.
    • (Added: 2016-10-14, Resolved: No, JIRA: Not created)

QLOOK (Line)

  1. Line Qlook does not show any spectra although the telescope is observing a target.
    • This looks to be communication failures between the ASTE and remote sites.
    • Workaround: First, restart COSMOS3 at the ASTE site. Second, also restart COSMOS3 at the remote site.
    • (Added: 2016-09-30, Resolved: No, JIRA: Not created)
  2. Line Qlook shows extremely strong spikes (e.g. >1000 K) at some of X[1-4] in 2GHz mode and X[1-2] in 4GHz mode
    • Synchronization loss could happen between digital data and reference clocks.
    • Such a pattern could be also seen at X5 and X6 in 2GHz mode and X3 in 4GHz mode. They can be ignored, because they are cross-polarization data.
    • Resolution: Just "START TUNING" on the COSMOS3 manager GUI and then, restart your observation.
    • (Added: 2016-10-05, Resolved: Yes, JIRA: None)
  3. Flat spectra on the Line Qlook and a warning message "Set dummy data because COR(1): SRQ #1: STOP" in the manager GUI"
    aste-163_qlookl.png aste-163_mgui.png
    • COSMOS3 could not receive spectral data from the MAC due to unknown reasons.
    • Workaround: It is necessary to power-cycle the MAC. Stop COSMOS3 at the ASTE site and then, power-cycle the MAC using "mac_sw REBOOT".
      asteobs@aste-1c $ mac_sw REBOOT
    • (Added: 2016-10-24, Resolved: No, JIRA: ASTE-163)

QLOOK (Cont)



  1. The Local Controller Activity GUI is frozen and cannot be closed.
    • The LOC GUI sometimes freezes. Its cause is unknown yet.
    • Workaround: Kill it using xkill (type 'xkill' on a terminal and click the GUI) and then, restart it from the COSMOS3 launcher.
    • (Added: 2016-09-28, Resolved: No, JIRA: Not created)
  2. There are some error/warning messages like below from shm_pressure on a terminal.
    2016/11/12 20:55:09 ERROR   shm_pressure : serial_read( 1 chars ) timeout
    2016/11/12 20:55:09 ERROR   shm_pressure : Read error (serial_read2)
    2016/11/12 20:55:09 ERROR   shm_pressure : Failed to read data
    2016/11/12 20:55:09 WARNING  shm_pressure : pressure read retry
    2016/11/12 20:57:30 ERROR   shm_pressure : serial_read( 1 chars ) timeout
    2016/11/12 20:57:30 ERROR   shm_pressure : Read error (serial_read2)
    2016/11/12 20:57:30 ERROR   shm_pressure : Failed to read data
    2016/11/12 20:57:30 WARNING  shm_pressure : pressure read retry
    • shm_pressure acquires air pressure from the ASTE weather station.
    • The error/warning messages suggest that shm_pressure fails to communicate with the weather station and retries it. Thus, they can be basically ignored.
    • If the messages are reported frequently (every minute for 10 minutes or longer), something could be wrong with shm_pressure.
    • Workaround: Nothing to do. If the frequency is high, restart COSMOS3 at the ASTE site.
    • (Added: 2016-11-15, Resolved: Yes, JIRA: Not created)

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