Observing Log

CSV2016: Radio pointing offsets of DASH345/BAND8 (2016-09-16)



  1. Basic checks
    • Record which kisa files are used for DASH345 and BAND8
    aste16@aste-ms1: ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}"
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Sep 15 05:04 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.160913
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Sep 15 05:04 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.160913
    • Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero
    • Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND" mode
  2. Tuning at EL=60.0 deg

Radio pointing offsets of DASH345/BAND8

  1. Repeat cross scans toward Saturn and shots of a star one after the other
  2. Data reduction
    • Still under preparation


  1. Basic checks
    • Kisa
      [aste16@aste-ms1 ~]$ ssh astecntl@aste-1c "ls -l /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/{DASH3,BAND8}"
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Sep 15 05:04 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/BAND8 -> BAND8.160913
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 astecntl astctl 12 Sep 15 05:04 /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/DASH3 -> DASH3.160913
    • Check all subref parameters (dx,dy,dz,dtx,dty,dtz) are zero --> OK
    • Check Aspirin is working in the "WIND" mode --> OK
  2. Tuning at EL=60.0 deg
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be CONT                 
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ swbox_ctl_be     
    status: swbox_ctl_be CONT
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_sw DASH345
    ### SYNTHE RF-OFF ###
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/synthe_ctl B RF OFF
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 13.00 [dBm]
    RF   = ON
    ### After setting synthe ###
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 13.00 [dBm]
    RF   = OFF
    ### SWBOX changed ###
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/swbox_ctl_rx 0
    ### SYNTHE set ###
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/synthe_ctl B AMPL +20dBm
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 13.00 [dBm]
    RF   = OFF
    ### After setting synthe ###
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
    RF   = OFF
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/synthe_ctl B RF ON
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
    RF   = OFF
    ### After setting synthe ###
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
    RF   = ON
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ 
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ 
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ 
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ synthe_ctl B FREQ 14.375
    FREQ = 12.966151717 [GHz]
    AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
    RF   = ON
    ### After setting synthe ###
    FREQ = 14.375000000 [GHz]
    AMPL = 20.00 [dBm]
    RF   = ON
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ asterx_set DASH345
    ### Query of LO Freq ###
    LO Freq = 345.000000000
    ### Set CLNA ###
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl DASH345 CLNA_ON 345.000000000
    vd0=1.200000, id0=10.000000
    vd1=0.000000, id1=0.000000
    vd2=0.000000, id2=0.000000
    FEMC_TCP 7 
    Ver 0.91
    Program running.
    Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
    ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
    AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
    AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
    FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
    FPGA V2.1.0
    10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
    1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
    23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    > SET_CLNA 0 1 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
    > SET_CLNA 0 2 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
    > SET_CLNA 1 1 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
    > SET_CLNA 1 2 1.20 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 
    > GET_CLNA 0 1 
    > GET_CLNA 0 2 
    > GET_CLNA 1 1 
    > GET_CLNA 1 2 
    CAN closed
    ### Set SIS bias ###
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/femc_ctl DASH345 SIS_ON 345.000000000
    345.000000 1.900000 1.900000 1.900000 1.900000
    FEMC_TCP 7  
    Ver 0.91
    Program running.
    Do not turn off power to CAN nodes.
    ---------- 45 4C 01 08 00 E1nd at Node index 00
    AMBSI CAN Library V1.1.2
    AMBSI Firmware V1.0.1
    FEMC Firmware V2.5.0
    FPGA V2.1.0
    10 F2 B3 58 2 8 0 1B
    1 A4 9A 4F 14 0 0 19
    23 9B DE 4C 1 0 0 44
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    > SET_SIS_MODE 0 
    > SET_SIS_V 0 1 1.900 
    > SET_SIS_V 0 2 1.900 
    > SET_SIS_V 1 1 1.900 
    > SET_SIS_V 1 2 1.900 
    > GET_SIS_VC 0 1 
    > GET_SIS_VC 0 2 
    > GET_SIS_VC 1 1 
    > GET_SIS_VC 1 2 
    CAN closed
    ### Set LO Power ###
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345_tune 345.000000000
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345_val /home/astedev/frontend/loatt_ctl/loatt_dash345.conf 345.000000000
    /cosmos3/naoj/bin/loatt_dash345 225 310
    Set ATT     : Pol0=225, Pol1=310
     Pol0 =      225   , Pol1 =      310
     Pol0 = 0.005489[A], Pol1 = 0.007566[A]
     Pol0 = 0.658653[V], Pol1 = 0.776482[V]
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$  swbox_ctl_pol 0 1 
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$  swbox_ctl_pol     
    status: swbox_ctl_pol 0 1
    400:P0-USB	402:P1-USB
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 2 22 
    Cont IF #2 Att. = 21 [dB]
    changed Cont IF #2 att. = 22 [dB]
    recieved value = -2.25063000E-04
    recieved value = -2.25063000E-04
    Cont IF #2 Lev. = -0.000225 [V]
    [asteobs@aste-1c ~]$ cont_if 3 17 
    Cont IF #3 Att. = 0 [dB]
    changed Cont IF #3 att. = 0 [dB]
    recieved value = -1.19975000E-04 
    recieved value = -1.19975000E-04
    Cont IF #3 Lev. = -0.000120 [V]
                         ASTE Environment Monitor 2016/09/15 23:34:15
    ===================================ASTE Site===================================
      Temp. :  -1.63 C   Humid. : 13.99 % (  0.76 hPa )   Solar :  0.00 kW/m2
      Wind  :   4.82 m/s  241 deg   AirPressure : 573.31 hPa    ( Rain:  0.01 )
      Opacity @220 GHz :   0.0376
    ================================ Receiver Cabin ===============================
      Main Cabin:  19.6 C  Upper Cabin:  13.5 C  AzTEC AE: 168.6 C  Dewar: 168.6 C
      SCD :   ----      ----      ----      ----
    ================================Observation Room===============================
      Temp. :  14.22 degC   Humid. :  4.56 %
      Digital BE:   17.50 degC   19.80 degC   21.60 degC   21.20 degC 
      Meeting Rm.:  Temp:  room:  -----       entrance:  -----       WC:  -----
    -------------------------------Air Conditioners--------------------------------
      Internal Out     15.40 C   15.40 C   14.90 C   15.90 C   -7.60 C   16.70 C
      Internal Ret.    16.89 C   15.30 C   15.10 C    9.10 C   15.20 C   16.20 C
      External        168.60 C   -2.60 C    4.20 C  168.60 C
    ================================Antenna Shelter================================
      Air-cond. :    24.50 degC   21.90 degC   -1.40 degC
      Room Temp.:    21.50 degC

Radio pointing offsets in DASH345

Standard sources in DASH345

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