Target | RCW38 |
Observation date | 2016/11/26 |
Receiver | Band8 |
Spectrometer | MAC |
Mode | OTF mapping |
Frequency | 492.160656 GHz* |
Bandwidth | 512 MHz (Wide Band mode) |
Channel spacing | 0.5 MHz |
Velocity resolution | 0.3 km/s |
Beam size (FWHM) | 17 arcsec |
Mapping size | 6 arcmin × 8 arcmin |
Total mapping time | ~ 6 hrs |
Tsys | 800 - 1400 K |
PWV | ~ 0.5 |
Opacity (220 GHz) | 0.02 - 0.07 | | (number of row : 81) | | | (number of row : 81) | | | (number of row : 81) | | (number of row : 49) | <= Stop Observation at 49 row | | (number of row : 16) | <= Start observation from 46 row | | (number of row : 61) | | | (number of row : 61) |
0, 1 (A1, A2) : [CI] (same signal (polarization) input into 0 and 1 (A1 and A2)) |
2, 3 (A3, A4) : no data |
$ default(sdbaseline) $ sdbaseline( infile='', datacolumn='float_data', spw='0:350~470;560~650,1:350~470;560~650', # 350-470 ch and 560-650 ch correspond to -46.44~-9.93 km/s and 17.45~44.84 km/s, respectively. blfunc='poly', order=1, # fit function to subtract baselines outfile='', overwrite=True)
$ default(gencal) $ gencal( vis='', caltable=‘', caltype='amp', parameter=[sqrt(0.45)]) # Main beam efficiency of 45 % is used. # See the ASTE home page (
Command example applycal(vis=‘', gaintable=[''], calwt=[False])
3. Imaging
Task : sdimaging (Imaging for total power and spectral data) Parameters (examples) nfiles = ['○○○','×××',...] # a list of names of input SD Measurementsets (only MS is allowed for this task)
outfile = '○○○.int' # name of output image
overwrite = True # overwrite the output file if already exists [True, False]
field = '' # select data by field IDs and names, e.g. "3C2*" (""=all)
spw = '' # select data by IF IDs (spectral windows), e.g. "3,5,7" (""=all)
antenna = '' # select data by antenna names or IDs, e.g, "PM03" ("" = all antennas)
scan = '' # select data by scan numbers, e.g. "21~23" (""=all)
intent = '*ON_SOURCE*' # select data by observational intent, e.g. "*ON_SOURCE*" (""=all)
mode = 'velocity' # spectral gridding type ["channel", "frequency", "velocity"]
nchan = 167 # number of channels (planes) in output image (-1=all)
start = '-49.7km/s' # Velocity of first channel: e.g “0.0km/s" (""=first channel in first SpW of MS)
width = '0.6km/s' # Channel width e.g "-1.0km/s" (""=width of first channel in first SpW of MS)
veltype = 'radio' # velocity definition ["radio", "optical", "true" or "relativistic"]
outframe = '' # velocity frame of output image ["lsrk", "lsrd", "bary", "geo", "topo", "galacto", "lgroup", "cab"] (""=current frame or LSRK for multiple-MS inputs)
gridfunction = 'GJINC' # gridding function for imaging ["BOX", "SF", "PB", "GAUSS" or "GJINC"] (see description in help)
imsize = [60,80] # x and y image size in pixels, e.g., [64,64]. Single value: same for both spatial axes ([] = number of pixels to cover whole pointings in MSes)
cell = ['6arcsec','6arcsec'] # x and y cell size, (e.g., ["8arcsec","8arcsec"], default unit arcmin. ("" = 1/3 of FWHM of primary beam)
phasecenter = 'J2000 08:59:05.78 -' # image center direction: position or field index, e.g., "J2000 17:30:15.0 -". ("" = the center of pointing directions in MSes)
projection = 'SIN' # map projection type
ephemsrcname = '' # ephemeris source name, e.g. "MARS"
pointingcolumn = 'direction' # pointing data column to use ["direction", "target", “pointing_offset", "source_offset" or "encoder"]
restfreq = '' # rest frequency to assign to image, e.g., "114.5GHz"
stokes = '' # stokes parameters or polarization types to image, e.g. "I", "XX"
minweight = 0.1 # Minimum weight ratio to use
brightnessunit = # Overwrite the brightness unit in image ( = respect the unit in MS) ['K' or 'Jy/beam']
clipminmax = False # Clip minimum and maximum value from each pixel
Command example sdimaging(infiles=['','',''], outfile='',intent='*ON_SOURCE*',gridfunction='GJINC',cell=['6arcsec','6arcsec'],mode='velocity',nchan=167,start='-49.7km/s',width='0.6km/s', overwrite=True,imsize=[60,80],phasecenter='J2000 08:59:05.78 -') Note We made two imaging data (Xscan and Yscan)
4. Removing scanning effect (Basket-weave) Task : sdfixscan (Task for single-dish image processing) Parameters (examples) infiles = ['',''] # list of name of input SD images (FITS or CASA image)
mode = 'fft_mask' # image processing mode ["fft_mask", "model"]
direction = [0,90] # scan direction (p.a.) counterclockwise from the horizontal axis in unit of degree
maskwidth = [5.0,3.0] # mask width for Basket-Weaving (on percentage)
tmax = 0.0 # maximum threshold value for processing
tmin = 0.0 # minimum threshold value for processing
outfile = '○○○.int' # name of output file
overwrite = True # overwrite the output file if already exists [True, False]
Command example sdfixscan(infiles=['',''], direction=[0,90],maskwidth=[5.0,3.0],outfile='',overwrite=True)
5. Making Fits file Task : exportfits (Convert a CASA image to a FITS file) Parameters (examples) imagename = '○○○.int' # Name of input CASA image
fitsimage = '○○○.fits' # Name of output image FITS file
velocity = True # Use velocity (rather than frequency) as spectral axis
optical = False # Use the optical (rather than radio) velocity convention
bitpix = -32 # Bits per pixel
minpix = 0 # Minimum pixel value (if minpix > maxpix, value is automatically determined)
maxpix = -1 # Maximum pixel value (if minpix > maxpix, value is automatically determined)
overwrite = True # Overwrite pre-existing imagename
dropstokes = True # Drop the Stokes axis?
stokeslast = True # Put Stokes axis last in header?
history = True # Write history to the FITS image?
dropdeg = False # Drop all degenerate axes (e.g. Stokes and/or Frequency)?
Command example exportfits(imagename='', fitsimage='',velocity=True,dropstokes=True)
Sample images Integrated intensity map