Observation account | uid | Observer | Title | Type | Site (ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,IoA) | Assigned date |
aa001kn | 9801 | YAMAGUCHI, Nobuyuki | Observations of the Massive-Star forming regions | P | ASTE,SPdA | 2005/05/29 |
aa002ou | 9802 | HIRAMATSU, Masaaki | Observations of the Chamaeleon star forming region | P | ASTE,SPdA | 2005/06/02 |
aa003ht | 9803 | KOHNO, Kotaro | ASTE系外銀河プロジェクト | P | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,IoA | 2005.6.8 |
aa004tu | 9804 | KOHNO, Kotaro | A search for molecular gas toward the host galaxy of GRB 980425 using ASTE | I | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,IoA | 2005.6.8 |
aa005bt | 9805 | MOMOSE, Munetake | CO/13CO/CN Survey observations of Herbig Ae stars | P | ASTE,SPdA,MTK | 2005.7.1 |
aa006km | 9806 | TSUKAGOSHI, Takashi | Lupus dark cloudにおけるClassical T Tauri starのサーベイ観測 | I | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2005.7.1 |
aa007ku | 9807 | OKA, Tomoharu | A Large-scale CO J=3-2/CI Mapping of the Galactic Center | P | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.3 |
aa008sh | 9808 | MIZUNO, Akira | 惑星大気におけるメタンの酸化反応ネットワークの研究 | P | ASTE,SPdA,MTK | 2005.7.12 |
aa009zs | 9809 | ARAI, Takaaki | Observation of the SgrB2 region | I | ASTE,SPdA,MTK | 2005.7.15 |
aa010kt | 9810 | Chile Univ. (NAGAR) | (1) Excitation Accurate Gasses, and a First attempt to Detect 'hot' CO Component in z>4 Quasars., (2) Determination of the Star Formation Rate in z>4 Quasars via the [CII] 2P3/2-2P1/2 line | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.25 |
aa011ki | 9811 | Chile Univ. (BRONF) | (1) Characterizing the most luminous regions of massive star formation region in our Galaxy, (2) Massive star formation in the sourhtern outer Galaxy: physical properties of dense molecular cores | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.25 |
aa012oi | 9812 | Chile Univ. (MARDONES) | Physucal Properties of Early Massice Cores | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.25 |
aa013hn | 9813 | Chile Univ. (GARAY) | (1) Investigating the very early evolutionary stages of massive cold cores, (2) Molecular Clouds in the Small Magellanic Cloud | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.25 |
aa014tu | 9814 | Chile Univ. (NIKOLIC) | (1) Kinetic temperatures of dark cloud candidates on the LMC: II Hodge 47 and Hodge 52, (2) Evolution of the circumstellar material, from a muffin to a pancake | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.25 |
aa015bt | 9815 | Chile Univ. (CORTES) | Molecular gas in star forming dwarf galacies in the Fornax Cluster | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.7.25 |
aa016ku | 9816 | Kouichiro NAKANISHI | AGN Water Vapor Mase Observation at Sub-mm Wavelength with ASTE | I | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2005.8.5 |
aa017kt | 9817 | Toshikazu OHNISHI | Observations of molecular outflows associated with proto stars in early formation state | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.8.6 |
aa018sm | 9818 | Tsuyoshi SAWADA | Physical Conditions of Arm/Interarm Molecular Gas using CO Multiline Observations | I | ASTE,SPdA | 2005.8.22 |
aa019zu | 9819 | Satoko TAKAHASHI | Mapping Observation of Large-scale Outflow associate with Intermediate-mass Protostars | I | ASTE,SPaA,MTK,NRO | 2005.8.22 |
aa020kh | 9820 | Takeshi SAKAI | 大質量高密度コアに対するホットコアとアウトフローのサーベイ | I | ASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO | 2005.8.30 |
aa021ks | 9821 | MORIGUCHI Yoshiaki | Observations of TeV gamma-ray SNR | I | ASTE, SPdA | 2005.9.7 |
aa022ot | 9822 | MINAMIDANI Tetsuhiro | Submillimeter observation toward Magellanic Clouds | R | ASTE, SPdA | |
aa023hi | 9823 | SAWADA, Tsuyoshi | Physical Conditions of Arm/Interarm Molecular Gas using CO Multiline Observations | I | ASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO | 2006.6.19 |
aa024ti | 9824 | Masaaki HIRAMATSU | ASTE Low-mass Star Formation Project IV. Interaction with Molecular Outflows and Temperature / Density Variations in Molecular Cloud Cores in Chamaeleons | P | ASTE, SPdA, MTK | 2006.6.19 |
aa025bn | 9825 | YAMAGUCHI Nobuyuki | A Massive Dense Clumps in the Southern Sky | P | ASTE, SPdA, MTK | 2006.6.21 |
aa026ku | 9826 | KAWABE Ryohei | Systematic Study of Circumstellar Gas Disks around Low- and Intermediate- mass Young Stellar Objects in nearby Star | I | ASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO | 2006.6.23 |
aa027kt | 9827 | Arai Takaaki | To understand of a large-scale structure in massive star formation region at galactic center | I | ASTE, SPdA, MTK | 2006.6.27 |
aa028su | 9828 | KAMEGAI Kazuhisa | A Search of Complex Organic Molecules in Massive Star Formation Regions | I | ASTE, SPdA, MTK | 2006.7.6 |
aa029zt | 9829 | KOHNO Kotaro | A large scale survey of dense molecular gas in the Southern gas rich spiral galaxies using ASTE | P | ASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO | 2006.7.10 |
aa030km | 9830 | OKA Tomoharu | A Large-scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic Center | P | ASTE, MTK | 2006.7.12 |
aa031ku | 9831 | HATSUKADE Bun-yo | A search for molecular gas toward the host galaxy of GRB98042 | I | ASTE, MTK, SPdA, IoA, NRO | 2006.7.14 |
aa032oh | 9832 | YAMAMOTO Hiroaki | A detailed study of the molecular loops toward the Galactic center by using ASTE | I | ASTE, MTK | 2006.7.19 |
aa033hs | 9833 | MAEZAWA Hiroyuki | Planetary Atmosphere | I | ASTE, SPdA | 2006.7.19 |
aa034tt | 9834 | UKITA Nobuharu | A Pilot Survey of High-Velocity Outflow in Late-type Star Molecular Envelopes | I | ASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO | 2006.7.31 |
aa035bi | 9835 | MIZUNO Norikazu | CO (3-2) Observations of the Magellanic Bridge with ASTE | I | MTK | 2006.7.31 |
aa036ki | 9836 | SAKAI Nami | Systematic Survey of Complex Organic Molecules in Low-mass Star Forming Regions | I | NRO | 2006.8.5 |
aa037kn | 9837 | TACHIHARA Kengo | A kinematical study of dense cores in Lupus and Ophiuchus North by ASTE | I | NRO | 2006.8.16 |
aa038su | 9838 | MIZUNO Norikazu | Submillimeter observations of the Magellanic Clouds | P | ASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO | 2006.8.25 |
aa039zt | 9839 | SAKAI Takeshi | A Survey of High Excitation CH3OH Lines toward Infrared Dark Clouds | I | NRO | 2006.9.5 |
aa040ku | 9840 | SHIMAJIRI Yoshito | Interaction between Molecular Outflows and Dense Gas Tracing by sub-millimeter methanol line In OMC-2/3 | I | MTK | 2006.9.20 |
aa041kt | 9841 | TAKAHASHI Satotko | Investigation of Physical Properties of Intermediate-mass star-forming Core in OMC-2/3 | I | MTK | 2006.9.28 |
aa042om | 9842 | HIRAMATSU Masaaki | Ourflow-Core Interaction in R CrA Region | I | ASTE, MTK | 2006.9.28 |
aa043hu | 9843 | YONEKURA Yoshinori | A Study of Massive Dence Cores in the Carina Arm | I | ASTE, MTK, SPdA, NRO | 2006.10.11 |
aa044th | 9844 | KAWABE Ryohei | Pointing Jitter and OTF Tests | I | MTK SPdA ASTE | 2006.11.21 |
aa045bs | 9845 | Hiramatsu Masaaki | Gas Kinematics Investigation of Chamaeleon Cores detected with AzTEC | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa046kt | 9846 | Tsukagoshi Takashi | Circumstellar Environment and Evolution around T Tauri Stars in Chamaeleon | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa047ki | 9847 | Yonekura Yoshinori | Large-Scale High-Resolution Observations of the South Pillars in the Carina Nebula | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa048si | 9848 | Mizuno Norikazu | CO(3-2) Observations of the Magellanic Bridge with ASTE | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa049zn | 9849 | Kohno Kotaro | ASTE dense gas imagings of star-forming galaxies | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa050ku | 9850 | Ukita Nobuharu | CO emission from Symbiotic Stars + 2 other proposals | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa051kt | 9851 | Momose Munetake | CO/13CO(J=3-2) Observation toward the Disk Associated to the M-type T-tauri Star XX-Tau | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa052ou | 9852 | Chile Univ. | | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa053ht | 9853 | Chile Univ. | | I | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2007.11.25 |
aa054tm | 9854 | Hiramatsu Masaaki | Investigatig the evolutionar status of AzTEC Source in Chamaeleon | P | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2008.3.29 |
aa055bu | 9855 | Tsukagoshi Takashi | Evolution of Circumstellar Gas around Classical T Tauri Stars n nearby Star Forming Regions | P | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2008.4.2 |
aa056kh | 9856 | Kohno Kotaro | ASTE dense gas imaging of star-forming galaxies | i | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2008.4.2 |
aa057ks | 9857 | ONISHI Toshikazu | A Detailed Study of the Molecular Loops toward the Galactic Center | i | MTK ASTE | 2008.4.2 |
aa058st | 9858 | OKA Tomoharu | A Large-scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic Center | p | MTK ASTE NRO | 2008.4.8 |
aa059zi | 9859 | Kamegai Kazuhisa | A Search for Complex Organic Molecules in Sourthern Massive Star Formation Regions | i | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2008.4.11 |
aa060ko | 9860 | Kamegai Kazuhisa | A Search for Complex Organic Molecules in Sourthern Massive Star Formation Regions | i | MTK SPdA ASTE NRO | 2008.4.11 |
aa001kn | 9801 | UKITA Nobuharu | SiO Abundance of M Supergiants | I | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2008.5.1 |
aa002ou | 9802 | UC | | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2008.5.29 |
aa003ht | 9803 | UC | | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2008.5.29 |
aa004tu | 9804 | UC | | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2008.5.29 |
aa005bt | 9805 | UC | | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2008.5.29 |
aa006km | 9806 | Yoichi Tamura | The ASTE Redshifted [CII] Survey | O | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.5.31 |
aa007ku | 9807 | Satoshi Yamamoto | Spectral Line Survey with ASTE | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,(IoA) | 2010.6.1 |
aa008sh | 9808 | Yoshimasa Watanabe | Line Survey of RCrA IRS7B in the 345 GHz Window with ASTE | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,(IoA) | 2010.6.1 |
aa009zs | 9809 | Kotaro Kohno | ASTE imaging surveys of dense molecular medium in nearby star-forming galaxies | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,(IoA) | 2010.6.1 |
aa010kt | 9810 | Tomoharu Oka | Large-scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic Center | K | MTK,NRO | 2010.6.1 |
aa011ki | 9811 | Nami Sakai | Exploring Chemical Variation toward Class I Sources | K | MTK,NRO,(IoA) | 2010.6.1 |
aa012oi | 9812 | Guido Garay | CN-011 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa013hn | 9813 | Monica Rubio | CN-043 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa014tu | 9814 | Simon Casassus | CN-045 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa015bt | 9815 | Diego Mardones | CN-063 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa016ku | 9816 | Michel Cure | CN-064 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa017kt | 9817 | Paul Jones | CN-070-1 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa018sm | 9818 | Paulo Cortes | CN-073 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa019zu | 9819 | Cristian Lopez | CN-075 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa020kh | 9820 | Paulo Cortez | CN-077 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa021ks | 9821 | Maria Cunningham | CN-088 | CT | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.6.10 |
aa022ot | 9822 | Kengo Tachihara | Small scale structures on the cloud surface and origin of the interstellar turbulence | O | MTK,NRO | 2010.7.6 |
aa023hi | 9823 | Takashi Tsukagoshi | Molecular Line Search toward Protoplanetary Disks in the Late Evolutional Phase | O | MTK,NRO,SPdA | 2010.7.8 |
aa024ti | 9824 | Ryuji Okamoto | Detailed Study of Molecular Clouds Possibly Associated with the Jet from a Compact Star | O | MTK,NRO | 2010.7.12 |
aa025bu | 9825 | Hiroshi Imai | 12CO and 13CO J=3-2 emission survey towards new water fountain sources | O | MTK,NRO | 2010.7.13 |
aa026ku | 9826 | Takahiro Iino | First observation of CS Line toward Neptune's atmosphere | O | NRO | 2010.7.14 |
aa027kt | 9827 | Koji Sugitani | The Molecular Outflow Survey Toward A Nearby Infrared Dark Cloud, Serpens South | O | MTK | 2010.7.14 |
aa028su | 9828 | Kunihiko Tanaka | HCN Mapping of Proto-Superbubble Candidates in the Sagittarius C Complex | O | MTK | 2010.7.16 |
aa029zt | 9829 | Hiroyuki Nakanishi | Physical Properties of Molecular Clouds in the Outermost Galactic Disk | O | MTK | 2010.7.16 |
aa030km | 9830 | Erik Muller | ASTE 12CO(3-2) observations of the Magellanic Bridge | O | MTK,NRO | 2010.7.23 |
aa031ku | 9831 | Takeshi Sakai | A Survey of CI 3P1-3P0 toward Infrared Dark Clouds | AM | ASTE,MTK,NRO | 2010.10.25 |
aa032oh | 9832 | Ryohei Kawabe | [CI] and 12CO (J=4-3) lines Observations toward the Orion A Molecular Cloud and nearby T Tauri Disks | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.10.27 |
aa033hs | 9833 | Kotaro Kohno | ASTE imaging survey of dense molecular medium in nearby star-forming galaxies: evolution of giant molecular clouds in galaxies | K | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.10.27 |
aa034tt | 9834 | Satoshi Yamamoto | Follow-up Observations in the 430-500 GHz Band for Spectral Line Survey | K | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.10.28 |
aa035bi | 9835 | Yoshimasa Watanabe | CI survey observation toward nearby galaxy NGC 628 | K | SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2010.10.28 |
aa036ki | 9836 | Hirota Akihiko | Mapping of Atomic Carbon in the Nearby Spiral Galaxies: Variation of Neutral Carbon to Carbon Monoxide Abundance Ratio in Starburst Environments | AM | MTK,NRO | 2010.10.28 |
aa037ki | 9837 | Kunihiko Tanaka | CI 3P1-3P0 Survey toward the Central Molecular Zone | AM | MTK,NRO | 2010.11.2 |
aa038su | 9838 | Hiroyuki Maezawa | CI Observations of Proto Young Molecular Cloud | AM | MTK,NRO | 2010.11.5 |
aa039zt | 9839 | Ryohei Kawabe | ASTE Key Science Program for Star and Planet Formation; Multi-Line Survey toward First Core and T Tauri Stars | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.4.28 |
aa040ku | 9840 | Tetsuhiro Minamidani | ASTE imaging surveys of dense molecular medium in nearby star-forming galaxies | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.4.28 |
aa041kt | 9841 | Kunihiko Tanaka | HCN J=4-3 Mapping of the Central Molecular Zone | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.4.28 |
aa042om | 9842 | Satoshi Yamamoto | Spectral Line Survey with ASTE | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.4.29 |
aa043hu | 9843 | Takeshi Sakai | Mapping Observations of CH3OH toward Infrared Dark Clouds | K | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.5.2 |
aa044th | 9844 | Tomoro Sashida | Submillimeter CO Mapping of Spatially-Extended Wing Emission in the W44 Molecular Cloud | O | MTK,NRO | 2011.5.11 |
aa045bs | 9845 | Diego Mardones | Mapping Molecular Outflows to Study Protostellar Mass Accretion Histories | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.5.17 |
aa046kt | 9846 | Leonardo Bronfman | Molecular outflows in cometary globule 12 | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.5.17 |
aa047ki | 9847 | Monica Rubio | Triggered star formation around the HII region Sh 2-48 | UC | ASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO | 2011.5.17 |
aa048si | 9848 | Kazuhiro Kiyokane | Search for gaseous disk around 10 Myr-old stars in beta Pic Association at 31 pc | O | MTK | 2011.5.17 |
aa049zn | 9849 | Masao Saito | Molecular cloud properties and cluster formation in Supernovae-Supernovae interacting regions | O | MTK | 2011.5.19 |
aa050ku | 9850 | Tomoka Tosaki | Highly excited dense molecular lines toward starburst/star-forming regions | O | MTK,NRO | 2011.5.20 |
aa051kt | 9851 | Nami Sakai | Observation of H2D+ in Lupus-1A: Tracing the Evolutionary Stage | O | MTK,NRO,SPdA | 2011.5.24 |
aa052ou | 9852 | Daiki Shibata | Change in Deuterium Fractionation in the Vicinity of Low-Mass Protostars | O | MTK | 2011.5.24 |
aa053ht | 9853 | Hiroshi Imai | Anomaly of the 12CO and 13CO J=3-2 line intensity ratio towards the water fountain source IRAS 16342-3814 | O | MTK | 2011.6.2 |
aa054tm | 9854 | Chang Won Lee | Confirming Outflow Activity of a VeLLO, L328-IRS - A Proto-brown Dwarf Candidate | O | MTK | 2011.6.7 |
aa055bu | 9855 | Munetake Momose | Multi-line study at lambda=0.85 mm of two Herbig Be stars in Chamaeleon | O | MTK,NRO | 2011.6.18 |