Top/Computer and Network/Account and Project/List of ASTE accounts




astecal9615astctlcalibration & test observation
sshcos39623astctlCOSMOS3 ssh connection
aste079626astgrpcommon observation 2007
astecm9627astgrpcloud monitor (guest)
astesrm9628astgrpscanning radio meter (guest)
aste089630astgrpcommon observation 2008
aste099631astgrpcommon observation 2009
astevlbi9632astgrpASTE VLBI
astevlb9633astgrpASTE VLBI
aste109634astgrpcommon observation 2010
aste10b89635astgrpBand8QM commissioning 2010
ast10b89636astgrpBand8QM commissioning 2010 2
aste119637astgrpCATS345 common observation 2011
thz119638astgrpTHz receiver commissioning 2011


gogo9990astgstUniv. of Chile, Access Nova, NTT



Observation accounts

ASTE observation account

Assigned date
aa001kn9801YAMAGUCHI, NobuyukiObservations of the Massive-Star forming regionsPASTE,SPdA2005/05/29
aa002ou9802HIRAMATSU, MasaakiObservations of the Chamaeleon star forming regionPASTE,SPdA2005/06/02
aa003ht9803KOHNO, KotaroASTE系外銀河プロジェクトPASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,IoA2005.6.8
aa004tu9804KOHNO, KotaroA search for molecular gas toward the host galaxy of GRB 980425 using ASTEIASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,IoA2005.6.8
aa005bt9805MOMOSE, MunetakeCO/13CO/CN Survey observations of Herbig Ae starsPASTE,SPdA,MTK2005.7.1
aa006km9806TSUKAGOSHI, TakashiLupus dark cloudにおけるClassical T Tauri starのサーベイ観測IASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2005.7.1
aa007ku9807OKA, TomoharuA Large-scale CO J=3-2/CI Mapping of the Galactic CenterPASTE,SPdA2005.7.3
aa008sh9808MIZUNO, Akira惑星大気におけるメタンの酸化反応ネットワークの研究PASTE,SPdA,MTK2005.7.12
aa009zs9809ARAI, TakaakiObservation of the SgrB2 regionIASTE,SPdA,MTK2005.7.15
aa010kt9810Chile Univ. (NAGAR)(1) Excitation Accurate Gasses, and a First attempt to Detect 'hot' CO Component in z>4 Quasars., (2) Determination of the Star Formation Rate in z>4 Quasars via the [CII] 2P3/2-2P1/2 lineIASTE,SPdA2005.7.25
aa011ki9811Chile Univ. (BRONF)(1) Characterizing the most luminous regions of massive star formation region in our Galaxy, (2) Massive star formation in the sourhtern outer Galaxy: physical properties of dense molecular coresIASTE,SPdA2005.7.25
aa012oi9812Chile Univ. (MARDONES)Physucal Properties of Early Massice CoresIASTE,SPdA2005.7.25
aa013hn9813Chile Univ. (GARAY)(1) Investigating the very early evolutionary stages of massive cold cores, (2) Molecular Clouds in the Small Magellanic CloudIASTE,SPdA2005.7.25
aa014tu9814Chile Univ. (NIKOLIC)(1) Kinetic temperatures of dark cloud candidates on the LMC: II Hodge 47 and Hodge 52, (2) Evolution of the circumstellar material, from a muffin to a pancakeIASTE,SPdA2005.7.25
aa015bt9815Chile Univ. (CORTES)Molecular gas in star forming dwarf galacies in the Fornax ClusterIASTE,SPdA2005.7.25
aa016ku9816Kouichiro NAKANISHIAGN Water Vapor Mase Observation at Sub-mm Wavelength with ASTEIASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2005.8.5
aa017kt9817Toshikazu OHNISHIObservations of molecular outflows associated with proto stars in early formation stateIASTE,SPdA2005.8.6
aa018sm9818Tsuyoshi SAWADAPhysical Conditions of Arm/Interarm Molecular Gas using CO Multiline ObservationsIASTE,SPdA2005.8.22
aa019zu9819Satoko TAKAHASHIMapping Observation of Large-scale Outflow associate with Intermediate-mass ProtostarsIASTE,SPaA,MTK,NRO2005.8.22
aa020kh9820Takeshi SAKAI大質量高密度コアに対するホットコアとアウトフローのサーベイIASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO2005.8.30
aa021ks9821MORIGUCHI YoshiakiObservations of TeV gamma-ray SNRIASTE, SPdA2005.9.7
aa022ot9822MINAMIDANI TetsuhiroSubmillimeter observation toward Magellanic CloudsRASTE, SPdA
aa023hi9823SAWADA, TsuyoshiPhysical Conditions of Arm/Interarm Molecular Gas using CO Multiline ObservationsIASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO2006.6.19
aa024ti9824Masaaki HIRAMATSUASTE Low-mass Star Formation Project IV. Interaction with Molecular Outflows and Temperature / Density Variations in Molecular Cloud Cores in ChamaeleonsPASTE, SPdA, MTK2006.6.19
aa025bn9825YAMAGUCHI NobuyukiA Massive Dense Clumps in the Southern SkyPASTE, SPdA, MTK2006.6.21
aa026ku9826KAWABE RyoheiSystematic Study of Circumstellar Gas Disks around Low- and Intermediate- mass Young Stellar Objects in nearby StarIASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO2006.6.23
aa027kt9827Arai TakaakiTo understand of a large-scale structure in massive star formation region at galactic centerIASTE, SPdA, MTK2006.6.27
aa028su9828KAMEGAI KazuhisaA Search of Complex Organic Molecules in Massive Star Formation RegionsIASTE, SPdA, MTK2006.7.6
aa029zt9829KOHNO KotaroA large scale survey of dense molecular gas in the Southern gas rich spiral galaxies using ASTEPASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO2006.7.10
aa030km9830OKA TomoharuA Large-scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic CenterPASTE, MTK2006.7.12
aa031ku9831HATSUKADE Bun-yoA search for molecular gas toward the host galaxy of GRB98042IASTE, MTK, SPdA, IoA, NRO2006.7.14
aa032oh9832YAMAMOTO HiroakiA detailed study of the molecular loops toward the Galactic center by using ASTEIASTE, MTK2006.7.19
aa033hs9833MAEZAWA HiroyukiPlanetary AtmosphereIASTE, SPdA2006.7.19
aa034tt9834UKITA NobuharuA Pilot Survey of High-Velocity Outflow in Late-type Star Molecular EnvelopesIASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO2006.7.31
aa035bi9835MIZUNO NorikazuCO (3-2) Observations of the Magellanic Bridge with ASTEIMTK2006.7.31
aa036ki9836SAKAI NamiSystematic Survey of Complex Organic Molecules in Low-mass Star Forming RegionsINRO2006.8.5
aa037kn9837TACHIHARA KengoA kinematical study of dense cores in Lupus and Ophiuchus North by ASTEINRO2006.8.16
aa038su9838MIZUNO NorikazuSubmillimeter observations of the Magellanic CloudsPASTE, SPdA, MTK, NRO2006.8.25
aa039zt9839SAKAI TakeshiA Survey of High Excitation CH3OH Lines toward Infrared Dark CloudsINRO2006.9.5
aa040ku9840SHIMAJIRI YoshitoInteraction between Molecular Outflows and Dense Gas Tracing by sub-millimeter methanol line In OMC-2/3IMTK2006.9.20
aa041kt9841TAKAHASHI SatotkoInvestigation of Physical Properties of Intermediate-mass star-forming Core in OMC-2/3IMTK2006.9.28
aa042om9842HIRAMATSU MasaakiOurflow-Core Interaction in R CrA RegionIASTE, MTK2006.9.28
aa043hu9843YONEKURA YoshinoriA Study of Massive Dence Cores in the Carina ArmIASTE, MTK, SPdA, NRO2006.10.11
aa044th9844KAWABE RyoheiPointing Jitter and OTF TestsIMTK SPdA ASTE2006.11.21
aa045bs9845Hiramatsu MasaakiGas Kinematics Investigation of Chamaeleon Cores detected with AzTECIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa046kt9846Tsukagoshi TakashiCircumstellar Environment and Evolution around T Tauri Stars in ChamaeleonIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa047ki9847Yonekura YoshinoriLarge-Scale High-Resolution Observations of the South Pillars in the Carina NebulaIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa048si9848Mizuno NorikazuCO(3-2) Observations of the Magellanic Bridge with ASTEIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa049zn9849Kohno KotaroASTE dense gas imagings of star-forming galaxiesIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa050ku9850Ukita NobuharuCO emission from Symbiotic Stars + 2 other proposalsIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa051kt9851Momose MunetakeCO/13CO(J=3-2) Observation toward the Disk Associated to the M-type T-tauri Star XX-TauIMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa052ou9852Chile Univ.IMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa053ht9853Chile Univ.IMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2007.11.25
aa054tm9854Hiramatsu MasaakiInvestigatig the evolutionar status of AzTEC Source in ChamaeleonPMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2008.3.29
aa055bu9855Tsukagoshi TakashiEvolution of Circumstellar Gas around Classical T Tauri Stars n nearby Star Forming RegionsPMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2008.4.2
aa056kh9856Kohno KotaroASTE dense gas imaging of star-forming galaxiesiMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2008.4.2
aa057ks9857ONISHI ToshikazuA Detailed Study of the Molecular Loops toward the Galactic CenteriMTK ASTE2008.4.2
aa058st9858OKA TomoharuA Large-scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic CenterpMTK ASTE NRO2008.4.8
aa059zi9859Kamegai KazuhisaA Search for Complex Organic Molecules in Sourthern Massive Star Formation RegionsiMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2008.4.11
aa060ko9860Kamegai KazuhisaA Search for Complex Organic Molecules in Sourthern Massive Star Formation RegionsiMTK SPdA ASTE NRO2008.4.11
aa001kn9801UKITA NobuharuSiO Abundance of M SupergiantsIASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2008.5.1
aa006km9806Yoichi TamuraThe ASTE Redshifted [CII] SurveyOASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2010.5.31
aa007ku9807Satoshi YamamotoSpectral Line Survey with ASTEKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,(IoA)2010.6.1
aa008sh9808Yoshimasa WatanabeLine Survey of RCrA IRS7B in the 345 GHz Window with ASTEKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,(IoA)2010.6.1
aa009zs9809Kotaro KohnoASTE imaging surveys of dense molecular medium in nearby star-forming galaxiesKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO,(IoA)2010.6.1
aa010kt9810Tomoharu OkaLarge-scale CO J=3-2 Survey of the Galactic CenterKMTK,NRO2010.6.1
aa011ki9811Nami SakaiExploring Chemical Variation toward Class I SourcesKMTK,NRO,(IoA)2010.6.1
aa012oi9812Guido GarayCN-011CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa013hn9813Monica RubioCN-043CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa014tu9814Simon CasassusCN-045CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa015bt9815Diego MardonesCN-063CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa016ku9816Michel CureCN-064CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa017kt9817Paul JonesCN-070-1CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa018sm9818Paulo CortesCN-073CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa019zu9819Cristian LopezCN-075CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa020kh9820Paulo CortezCN-077CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa021ks9821Maria CunninghamCN-088CTSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.6.10
aa022ot9822Kengo TachiharaSmall scale structures on the cloud surface and origin of the interstellar turbulenceOMTK,NRO2010.7.6
aa023hi9823Takashi TsukagoshiMolecular Line Search toward Protoplanetary Disks in the Late Evolutional PhaseOMTK,NRO,SPdA2010.7.8
aa024ti9824Ryuji OkamotoDetailed Study of Molecular Clouds Possibly Associated with the Jet from a Compact StarOMTK,NRO2010.7.12
aa025bu9825Hiroshi Imai12CO and 13CO J=3-2 emission survey towards new water fountain sourcesOMTK,NRO2010.7.13
aa026ku9826Takahiro IinoFirst observation of CS Line toward Neptune's atmosphereONRO2010.7.14
aa027kt9827Koji SugitaniThe Molecular Outflow Survey Toward A Nearby Infrared Dark Cloud, Serpens SouthOMTK2010.7.14
aa028su9828Kunihiko TanakaHCN Mapping of Proto-Superbubble Candidates in the Sagittarius C ComplexOMTK2010.7.16
aa029zt9829Hiroyuki NakanishiPhysical Properties of Molecular Clouds in the Outermost Galactic DiskOMTK2010.7.16
aa030km9830Erik MullerASTE 12CO(3-2) observations of the Magellanic BridgeOMTK,NRO2010.7.23
aa031ku9831Takeshi SakaiA Survey of CI 3P1-3P0 toward Infrared Dark CloudsAMASTE,MTK,NRO2010.10.25
aa032oh9832Ryohei Kawabe[CI] and 12CO (J=4-3) lines Observations toward the Orion A Molecular Cloud and nearby T Tauri DisksKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2010.10.27
aa033hs9833Kotaro KohnoASTE imaging survey of dense molecular medium in nearby star-forming galaxies: evolution of giant molecular clouds in galaxiesKSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.10.27
aa034tt9834Satoshi YamamotoFollow-up Observations in the 430-500 GHz Band for Spectral Line SurveyKSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.10.28
aa035bi9835Yoshimasa WatanabeCI survey observation toward nearby galaxy NGC 628KSPdA,MTK,NRO2010.10.28
aa036ki9836Hirota AkihikoMapping of Atomic Carbon in the Nearby Spiral Galaxies: Variation of Neutral Carbon to Carbon Monoxide Abundance Ratio in Starburst EnvironmentsAMMTK,NRO2010.10.28
aa037ki9837Kunihiko TanakaCI 3P1-3P0 Survey toward the Central Molecular ZoneAMMTK,NRO2010.11.2
aa038su9838Hiroyuki MaezawaCI Observations of Proto Young Molecular CloudAMMTK,NRO2010.11.5
aa039zt9839Ryohei KawabeASTE Key Science Program for Star and Planet Formation; Multi-Line Survey toward First Core and T Tauri StarsKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.4.28
aa040ku9840Tetsuhiro MinamidaniASTE imaging surveys of dense molecular medium in nearby star-forming galaxiesKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.4.28
aa041kt9841Kunihiko TanakaHCN J=4-3 Mapping of the Central Molecular ZoneKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.4.28
aa042om9842Satoshi YamamotoSpectral Line Survey with ASTEKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.4.29
aa043hu9843Takeshi SakaiMapping Observations of CH3OH toward Infrared Dark CloudsKASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.5.2
aa044th9844Tomoro SashidaSubmillimeter CO Mapping of Spatially-Extended Wing Emission in the W44 Molecular CloudOMTK,NRO2011.5.11
aa045bs9845Diego MardonesMapping Molecular Outflows to Study Protostellar Mass Accretion HistoriesUCASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.5.17
aa046kt9846Leonardo BronfmanMolecular outflows in cometary globule 12UCASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.5.17
aa047ki9847Monica RubioTriggered star formation around the HII region Sh 2-48UCASTE,SPdA,MTK,NRO2011.5.17
aa048si9848Kazuhiro KiyokaneSearch for gaseous disk around 10 Myr-old stars in beta Pic Association at 31 pcOMTK2011.5.17
aa049zn9849Masao SaitoMolecular cloud properties and cluster formation in Supernovae-Supernovae interacting regionsOMTK2011.5.19
aa050ku9850Tomoka TosakiHighly excited dense molecular lines toward starburst/star-forming regionsOMTK,NRO2011.5.20
aa051kt9851Nami SakaiObservation of H2D+ in Lupus-1A: Tracing the Evolutionary StageOMTK,NRO,SPdA2011.5.24
aa052ou9852Daiki ShibataChange in Deuterium Fractionation in the Vicinity of Low-Mass ProtostarsOMTK2011.5.24
aa053ht9853Hiroshi ImaiAnomaly of the 12CO and 13CO J=3-2 line intensity ratio towards the water fountain source IRAS 16342-3814OMTK2011.6.2
aa054tm9854Chang Won LeeConfirming Outflow Activity of a VeLLO, L328-IRS - A Proto-brown Dwarf CandidateOMTK2011.6.7
aa055bu9855Munetake MomoseMulti-line study at lambda=0.85 mm of two Herbig Be stars in ChamaeleonOMTK,NRO2011.6.18

Shared observation account of Univ. of Chile (?)

a1111uc9961astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1112uc9962astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1113uc9963astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1114uc9964astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1115uc9965astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1121uc9971astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1122uc9972astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1123uc9973astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1124uc9974astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1125uc9975astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1126uc9976astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1127uc9978astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1128uc9980astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1129uc9981astgrpUniv. of Chile
a1130uc9982astgrpUniv. of Chile

Reduction accounts in NRO reduction environment

ASTE member


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