- History
- View the source.
- Computer and Network/Account and Project has been deleted.
Account management policy†
Application for account†
observation account†
All P.I.s must create observation account for
- preparing observation scripts,
- running observations,
- and quicklook data analysis of the observation data.
Please read the instruction.
reduction account†
- You can use the reduction account to reduce your data on the NRO workstation if you want. Please read the instruction (Japanese only).
- Note that open-use observers must create the reduction account because the observers will receive the ASTE data through the reduction account. Please visit here and fill out the application form.
Environment files†
The environment files are located in the directory "/home/admin/sample".
- sample.cshrc
- This file is linked to /home/common/etc/cshrc.template. This is the default setting for a normal user.
- sample.tcshrc
- This file includes '.cshrc' inside.
- sample.rhosts
- This file contains only "+" character. DON'T DELETE THIS LINE.
- sample.Xdefault
- sample.eggrc
- Standard start up file for EGG.
- Private dictionaries for Wnn6 is made under the directory "$HOME/.wnn6"
- sample.emacs
- sample_cp.sh
- Shell script for administration. You don't need to copy.