Commissioning and Science Verification

Optical Pointing > Observation table preparation

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This page describes the way to generate observation tables for optical pointing measurements.
Revision history
  • 2006 - ASTE_OPT_FOCUS.pdf K. Nakanishi
  • 2010-04-02 - modified by N. UKITA
  • 2010-09-03 - moved to Pukiwiki by B. Hatsukade
  • 2013-08-05 - modified by N. UKITA
  • 2014-04-21 - updated by BH and YW
  • 2016-07-25 - modified for Linux COSMOS3 by Kamazaki,T.
Table of contents

Procedures to generate observation tables for OPT

1. Rsync necessary files (once the start of CSV for the open-use program)

  1. Login to the MTK server (aste-ms1)
    % ssh -Y asteXX@aste-ms1
  2. Create a directory and then, rsync necessary files
    asteXX@aste-ms1: mkdir -p ~/optpon/matlab
    asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab
    asteXX@aste-ms1: pwd
    asteXX@aste-ms1: rsync -avz --delete ~astecal/astepon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/ ./11_StarCatalogue/

2. Run MATLAB on the MTK server (aste-ms1)

  1. Login to the MTK server (aste-ms1)
    % ssh -Y asteXX@aste-ms1
  2. Run MATLAB
    asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab
    asteXX@aste-ms1: pwd
    asteXX@aste-ms1: /usr/local/matlab/R2009a/bin/matlab &
    • All matlab scripts are under asteXX@aste-ms1:/home/asteXX/optpon/matlab.
    • Hereafter, matlab scripts should be run on a Command Window of MATLAB.

You can skip STEP 3-5, if there is no update in the Tycho, FK5 and Hipparcus catalogues.

3. Create a list of bright stars in a MATLAB format

  1. Run step_00_19_6p3mag.m in 11_StarCatalogue/Tycho
    matlab >> cd 11_StarCatalogue/Tycho
    matlab >> pwd
    matlab >> step_00_19_6p3mag
    The following file will be created in the same directory.
    matlab >> ls -l tyc2dat6p3.mat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp 225168 Aug  5 00:53 tyc2dat6p3.mat
    • From the Tycho catalogue, stars brighter than 6.3 mag. will be listed with the information about position and proper motion.

4. Merge additional information to the list

  1. Run step01_tyc2fk5hip_v3.m in 11_StarCatalogue.
    >> cd ..
    matlab >> pwd
    matlab >> step01_tyc2fk5hip_v3
    The following files will be created under ./ASTEnew.
    matlab >> ls -l ASTEnew
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp 600860 Aug  5 01:11 ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_6p3_Sp_v2.mat    (MATLAB file)
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp 176777 Aug  5 01:11 ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_6p3_Sp_v2.png    (Text file)
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp 681400 Aug  5 01:11 ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_6p3_Sp_v2.txt    (PNG file)
    • From the FK5 and Hipparcus catalogues, the information about magnitude, spectral type, multiplicity and so on will be added to the list generated in the previous step.

5. Select appropriate stars

  1. Run step02_tyc2fk5SpSepv4.m in 11_StarCatalogue.
    matlab >> pwd
    matlab >> step02_tyc2fk5SpSepv4
    The following files will be created under ./ASTENew.
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp 126373 Aug  5 01:28 ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_R4p5_Sp_sep_v4.mat    (MATLAB file)
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp  43877 Aug  5 01:28 ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_R4p5_Sp_sep_v4.png    (Text file)
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aste16 astgrp  73628 Aug  5 01:28 ASTEnew/tyc2fk5_R4p5_Sp_sep_v4.txt    (PNG file)
    • 2重星でなくかつRmagが4.5等級より明るい星を選び出した後、星が密に分布するのを回避するために間引く。測定実績から以下のように分類。
      • (0.00<Rmag<=2.30)-->'A';
      • (2.30<Rmag<=3.20)-->'B';
      • (3.20<Rmag<=3.95)-->'C';
      • (3.95<Rmag<=4.50)-->'D';
    • 夜間はBとCクラスを用いる(Aはサチる)。昼間にはAとBクラスを用いる。Dクラスでも測定可能。683個の星が選び出される。

6. Generate observation tables

  1. Login to the ASTE site server (aste-1s)
    % ssh aste-1s -l asteXX
  2. Create the project directory for OPT
    asteXX@aste-1s: cd /cosmos3/aste/obstable/asteXX
    asteXX@aste-1s: pwd
    asteXX@aste-1s: mkdir -p optpon/obstable
    asteXX@aste-1s: ls -ld optpon/obstable
    drwxr-xr-x 2 aste16 astgrp 4096 Aug  5 02:01 optpon/obstable/
    asteXX@aste-1s: mkdir -p opttrk/obstable
    asteXX@aste-1s: ls -ld opttrk/obstable
    drwxr-xr-x 2 aste16 astgrp 4096 Aug  5 02:29 opttrk/obstable/

6a. Observation tables for optical pointing

  1. Run step10_allsky_v5.m in 11_StarCatalogue
    matlab >> pwd
    matlab >> step10_allsky_v5
    Observation tables (L00h00m.start - L23h30m.start) will be generated under ./startfiles5.
  2. Copy the generated tables to the ASTE site server
    asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/startfiles5
    asteXX@aste-ms1: scp -p *.start aste-1s:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/asteXX/optpon/obstable

6b. Observation tables for 「いつでもOPT用」

6c. Observation tables for batch execution

6d. Observation tables for continuous tracking

  1. Run step16_Long_single_v4.m in 11_StarCatalogue
    matlab >> pwd
    matlab >> step16_Long_single_v4
    Observation tables will be generated under ./Long
  2. Copy the generated tables to the ASTE site server
    asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab/11_StarCatalogue/Long
    asteXX@aste-ms1: scp -p *.start aste-1s:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/asteXX/opttrk/obstable

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