Commissioning and Science Verification
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab asteXX@aste-ms1: rsync -av --delete /home/astecal/astepon/matlab/12_ASTE_20XX/ 12_ASTE_2016/ ...
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd optpon/matlab/tabs_i asteXX@aste-ms1: rsync -e ssh -avz astecntl@aste-1c:./optpon/"*.tab" ./ に入っている .tab ファイルが順に解析される。
asteXX@aste-ms1: cd ~/optpon/matlab/12_ASTE_2016/ asteXX@aste-ms1: matlab & matlab >> cd ~/optpon/matlab/12_ASTE_2016 matlab >> pwd ... matlab >> step_02_tab2mat2pm_iOPT_A22c (for the data taken with iOPT_r17c) matlab >> stp_72_tab2mat2pm_v2 (for the data taken with tracking_c2n)
ans = 0.00041 0.00017 0.00081 -0.00006 0.00001 -0.00011 0.00005 -0.00003 -0.00002 -0.00002 -0.00016 0.00012 0.00003 0.00005 ans = 1.48944 0.59760 2.92666 -0.21296 0.04278 -0.40678 0.16991 -0.09039 -0.08448 -0.05949 -0.57215 0.43172 0.09684 0.18882
Figure1: Az error vs. El error
#ref(): File not found: "Figure1.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
Figure2: ?
#ref(): File not found: "Figure2.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
Figure101: 観測点
#ref(): File not found: "Figure101.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
#ref(): File not found: "Figure201.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
Figure301: Figure201にポインティングモデルを適用した場合のプロット
#ref(): File not found: "Figure301.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
#ref(): File not found: "Figure401.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
#ref(): File not found: "Figure501.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
#ref(): File not found: "Figure601.png" at page "CSV/OpticalPointingAnalysis"
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> step_02_tab2mat2pm_iOPT_A22c at 26 az = str2double(nextline(34:41)); dat(icount,1)=az; ??? Error using ==> feof Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Error in ==> step_02_tab2mat2pm_iOPT_A22c at 18 while feof(fid) == 0
.tab ファイルの中身がおかしい可能性。中身をチェックして、データが欠損している行を削除。