Commissioning and Science Verification

Beam map>Measurement and analysis for single-beam receivers

Revision history
  • 2016-07-26 - Kamazaki,T. - created.
Table of contents


  1. Start COSMOS3
  2. Login to COSMOS3 manager GUI with Group=asteXX and Project=sbrfXX
  3. Tune receivers
  4. Adjust pointing (preferable, but can skip)
  5. Run either of the following observation tables according to available planets


  1. Login to an analysis computer with account=asteXX
  2. Confirm that continuum data is transferred and is located at ~/sbrfXX/continuum/data
    aste16@aste-ms1> ls ~/sbrfXX/continuum/data/CONT.(obs. table).*.LCK
  3. Run cont
    aste16@aste-ms1> ~/analysis/bin/
    1. Map Analysis>CFITS
      1. Select a LCK file in the .LCK File List button
      2. Set parameters
        Normally, it is enough to use default values as shown below.
        &ref(): File not found: "cfits_v6.png" at page "CSV/BeamMapMeasurementAnalysisSBRx";
      3. Push the EXEC button to create a image FITS file
    2. Map Analysis>CMAP
      1. Select the image FITS file created in the previous step

aste16@aste-ms1> ls ~/test/continuum/data/CONT.jpzd3.*.LCK
aste16@aste-ms1> ~/analysis/bin/ ~/test/continuum/data/CONT.jpzd3.aste16.linux16.201602050910.LCK 
*** it is assumed that dummy scan duration is "10.0" seconds
# Plot fit results
* -> ddz [sample] = 186.326212
* -> ddz [mm]     = -0.018781

&ref(): File not found: "example_sbrefz.png" at page "CSV/BeamMapMeasurementAnalysisSBRx";

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