補足お願いします。A/Iも。 > 田中先生
host cable software script 落とす対象 onbattery doshutdown
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/apcupsd/files/rpms%20-%20Stable/3.14.8/apcupsd-3.14.8-1.el5.i386.rpm/download rpm -ivh apcupsd-3.14.8-1.el5.i386.rpm
# UPSCABLE <cable> # Defines the type of cable connecting the UPS to your computer. UPSTYPE usb # The ONBATTERYDELAY is the time in seconds from when a power failure # is detected until we react to it with an onbattery event. # # This means that, apccontrol will be called with the powerout argument # immediately when a power failure is detected. However, the # onbattery argument is passed to apccontrol only after the # ONBATTERYDELAY time. If you don't want to be annoyed by short # powerfailures, make sure that apccontrol powerout does nothing # i.e. comment out the wall. ## バッテリー駆動に切り替わってから無視する秒数 ## alert がうるさいので長め(60sec)に設定 ONBATTERYDELAY 60 # Note: BATTERYLEVEL, MINUTES, and TIMEOUT work in conjunction, so # the first that occurs will cause the initation of a shutdown. # If during a power failure, the remaining battery percentage # (as reported by the UPS) is below or equal to BATTERYLEVEL, # apcupsd will initiate a system shutdown. BATTERYLEVEL 5 <= default # If during a power failure, the remaining runtime in minutes # (as calculated internally by the UPS) is below or equal to MINUTES, # apcupsd, will initiate a system shutdown. ## /etc/init.d/apcupsd status で TIMELEFT が計算されて出るもののみ有効 MINUTES 3 <= default
sshtimeout=5 ssh="/usr/bin/ssh -o ConnectionTimeout=$sshtimeout"
root> /etc/init.d/sendmail start Starting sendmail: [ OK ] Starting sm-client: [ OK ]
rc[2345].dの *80sendmail を S80sendmail に rename
計算機(UPS signalを受ける)シャットダウンの最後に UPS off のコマンドが送られ、 それから 180sec 後に UPS が sleep 状態に入る。 (それまでに計算機を再起動すると、当然落ちる。) 一旦、手動で UPS の電源 off をして、再度 on にする。
"aste-1s" ) linux="aste-1x aste-r1c" solaris="aste-3c aste-2c aste-c1c aste-v1c aste-1c" "aste-1x" ) linux="aste-r1c" solaris="";; "aste-ax2" ) linux="aste-ax1 aste-ax3" solaris="aste-at3";; "aste-mx2" ) linux="aste-mx1 aste-mz2" solaris="aste-mt2";; "aste-www" ) linux="" solaris="";; "aste-wx2" ) linux="aste-wx1 aste-wz1" solaris="aste-w";;
- apcupsd の install と サービス起動 - wx2, mx2 と同じ /etc/apcupsd を rsync - sendmail 起動。rc[2-5].d の sendmail 起動設定変更 (rc5.d> mv K30sendmail S80sendmail)
/usr/lib/powerchute/ssh_shutdown のlinux系用のコマンドの /usr/sbin/shutdown -h -y now のところは、 /sbin/shutdown -h now とするべき
/usr/lib/powerchute/powerchute.log 200001 11/16/11 17:00:59 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 123.8 V 100300 11/16/11 17:03:58 Normal power restored: UPS on line /usr/lib/powerchute/powerchute.dat date, time, Vmin, Vmax, Vout, Vbat, freq, load%, temp, 11/16/11,16:57:08,101.5,105.1,104.4,27.27,60.00,039.0,036.4, , 11/16/11,17:07:08,101.5,118.0,098.6,26.19,59.50,040.9,031.9, , 11/16/11,17:17:09,105.8,109.4,098.6,27.54,59.50,041.6,028.8, ,
通常運転時はサージ抑制器、フィルタ、インバータを介して負荷にAC電源を供給。 電源障害時およびフィルタにて除去出来ない電圧波形が進入した場合に バッテリ運転に切り替えAC電源を供給。 通常運転時にインバータを利用してバッテリ充電を実施するため、 充電器が必要ないシンプルな回路。
200001 04/25/10 18:45:59 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 125.2 V 101600 04/25/10 18:49:59 Shutdown started 100300 04/25/10 18:50:04 Normal power restored: UPS on line 200100 04/25/10 18:50:30 System shutdown 100100 04/25/10 18:50:36 *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped ***
200001 08/04/10 15:30:48 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 124.5 V 101600 08/04/10 15:34:48 Shutdown started 200100 08/04/10 15:35:18 System shutdown 100100 08/04/10 15:35:24 *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped ***
200001 08/16/10 16:37:11 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 121.6 V 101600 08/16/10 16:41:11 Shutdown started 100300 08/16/10 16:41:25 Normal power restored: UPS on line 200100 08/16/10 16:41:41 System shutdown 100100 08/16/10 16:41:47 *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped ***
200001 04/20/11 16:17:34 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 121.6 V 100300 04/20/11 16:17:34 Normal power restored: UPS on line 200003 04/21/11 16:27:26 UPS on battery: Blackout 000.0 V 101600 04/21/11 16:31:26 Shutdown started 200100 04/21/11 16:31:56 System shutdown 100100 04/21/11 16:32:03 *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped ***
200001 09/15/11 15:34:21 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 124.5 V 101600 09/15/11 15:39:21 Shutdown started 200100 09/15/11 15:39:52 System shutdown 100100 09/15/11 15:39:58 *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped ***
200001 11/16/11 17:00:59 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 123.8 V 100300 11/16/11 17:03:58 Normal power restored: UPS on line date, time, Vmin, Vmax, Vout, Vbat, freq, load%, temp, 11/16/11,16:57:08,101.5,105.1,104.4,27.27,60.00,039.0,036.4, , 11/16/11,17:07:08,101.5,118.0,098.6,26.19,59.50,040.9,031.9, , 11/16/11,17:17:09,105.8,109.4,098.6,27.54,59.50,041.6,028.8, ,
200001 12/05/11 14:40:18 UPS on battery: High input line voltage 123.8 V 200301 12/05/11 14:42:59 Low battery condition: 063.0 101600 12/05/11 14:43:29 Shutdown started 200100 12/05/11 14:43:59 System shutdown 100100 12/05/11 14:44:05 *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped *** 100000 12/05/11 15:38:45 *** PowerChute PLUS Version 4.2.3 Started *** 100200 12/05/11 15:38:59 Communication established 300301 12/05/11 15:38:59 UPS battery is discharged: 050.0 100701 12/05/11 15:50:24 UPS returned from low battery condition: 058.0 date, hh:mm:ss,Vin_min,max,Vout, Vbatt,Freq, load, Temp(degC) 12/05/11,14:34:01,105.1,108.7,098.6,27.27,59.75,044.8,036.9, , 12/05/11,14:39:00,105.8,108.7,098.6,27.27,59.75,039.6,036.9, , 12/05/11,15:44:00,108.0,111.6,100.8,27.54,59.50,044.8,029.2, , 12/05/11,15:48:59,108.0,111.6,100.8,27.40,59.50,045.5,031.5, ,