Observation Guide > Observation > Start†
- What's this page?
- This page describes start procedures in open-use program observations.
- Table of contents
Observation > Start†
Take control priority†
When your observation time starts, you first need to make sure that no observation is running on ASTE and then, take control priority of your site.
- Check which site currently has the control priority on COS3 Launcher.
- If all control priorities show "IDLE", please go to the next step.
- If some or all are NOT "IDLE", please contact with ASTE support scientists.
- Login to COSMOS3
- Click Cosmos Main on the cos3launcher.
- Input your account, project, and password.
- Take the control priority of your site.
- Make sure that COSMOS3 Manager-GUI shows Observation: IDL (Nowhere observation).
- Click THIS NODE at Control on COSMOS3 Manager-GUI.
- Confirm that all control priorities show your site on COS3 Launcher.
Site name | Site |
ASTE | ASTE site |
SPdA | San Pedro de Atacama |
MTK | Mitaka |
RMT | Remote site |
IDLE | No site has priority |
Send an e-mail to ASTE ML†
- Send an email to ASTE ML (aste-unyo"at-mark" including the following information before starting your observations,
- observer name
- start time (UT)
- observation site
- weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed)
- contact information (skype name/ email address)