I coordinate the Juan Donoso works at the site (I told him about that we want he continuum working when we go to the site, he was agree).
The shell truck put 14.700 L, 300 less of the correct, I scan the “Control de Carga / Descaga” (look Wiki page) document with the observation “Sellos Ok, pero faltaban 300 litros en proyecto ASTE”, we need ask to Komatsu or Shell people.
South tank before supply was 9.500 after 14.300.
North tank before supply was 6.800 after 11.700.
Check the generator #7001 and #7002.
#7001 12938hrs. #7002 10927hrs.
South:closed 14.300L, North:open 11.700L.
We put 7 small and 1 big bottles of oil to #7001 generator.
We check the voltage in the #7002 generator, now is ≈ 105 [V].