Since 7:00 to 8:00 I finished of pepare the map of new road for ASTE-NANTEN2 map.
ASTE-NANTEN2 group left at 9:00 Don Esteban.
At 9:30 ASTE-NANTEN2 group meet with Diego Rojas (Site Manager of ALMA) for to talk about the oad that we clean, he think that is no problem, but we can use only with light cars (pick up trucks, VAN and jeeps).
ASTE site
Arrived 10:58 and left 14:14 (ASTE Site).
We continium cleaning ASTE site (close to generator room, containers and laboratory room).
We finish of clean the ASTE-NANTEN2 road.
Km of pick up truck for next maintenance (each 5000 Km).
Toyota CDSJ85; 69.091 Km (next maintenance 70.000 Km).
Work in SPdA.
Make report in Wiki page.
Upload photos to Picasa about snowplow work in ASTE site today.