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- Tasks at Site/2011-03-30 has been deleted.
Tasks at Site
- Arrived 10:45 and left 16:00 (ASTE Site).
- We check the switches OFF in ASTE Site.
- We finish of repair the heater in Antenna veranda.
- We meet with Joaquin Collao in ASTE Site at 11:30 AM, he want ask us about the next change of generators.
- We opened the South tank fuel.
- We start the #7002 generator.
- Check the generator #7002.
- #7001 XXXXXhrs. #7002 8753hrs.
- South:open 10000L, North:closed 7200L
- Tomorrow we will check the hours in #7001.
- We start the site.
- We check the subreflector position.
- We put empty bottles in the pick up truck, for put water in Don Esteban and return to ASTE Site.
- Komatsu people check the measures in the generator room.
- Work in Don Esteban.