器差ファイル(inst. model)の各パラメタの定義は下記のとおり。
P2:(A2+C1) # dAZ - DCオフセット (degree) P6:(B3+D0+F3+G2+C2) # dEL - DCオフセット (degree) P7:(D1-H5) # dEL - sin(EL)係数 P8:(D2+H6) # dEL - cos(EL)係数
A1 # X - sin(EL)係数 A2 # X - cos(EL)係数 A3 # X - DCオフセット (mm) A6 # Y - DCオフセット (mm) A7 # Z - sin(EL)係数 A8 # Z - cos(EL)係数 A9 # Z - DCオフセット (mm)
詳細はF社資料を。&ref(): File not found: "FJASTE2001_Kisa.pdf" at page "Observation and Analysis/SubRef/資料_Observation and Analysis";
astecntl@aste-2c % cd /cosmos3/aste/etc/kisag/ astecntl@aste-2c % cp CATS3.090729 CATS3.0908XX astecntl@aste-2c % vi CATS3.0908XX P2 = (before was +0.0020791) P6 = (before was +00.0171640) P7 = (before was +0.0030827) P8 = ... A9 = (before was -0.774) astecntl@aste-2c % rm CATS3 # delete an old symbolic link, CATS3, to CATS3.080729 astecntl@aste-2c % ln -s CATS3.0908XX CATS3 # create a new link to CATS3.0908XX
% OBSERVER=aste10 % GROUP=aste10 % PROJECT=sbrf10 ..(中略).. SET CONT_BE GROUP 'aste10' SET CONT_BE PROJECT 'sbrf10'
perl ${AOBS_DIR/aobss.pl aste08 calib08 aste08 ${i%.start} start > ${i%.start}.start perl ${AOBS_DIR/aobss.pl aste08 calib08 aste08 ${i%.start} tune > ${i%.start}.tune たとえば、上を以下のように書き換える。 perl ${AOBS_DIR/aobss.pl aste10 calib10 aste10 ${i%.start} start > ${i%.start}.start perl ${AOBS_DIR/aobss.pl aste10 calib10 aste10 ${i%.start} tune > ${i%.start}.tune
% cat jpsbc3a.start | sed 's/CATS3/SC345/g' > jpsbsca.start
% cd ~/sbrf10/obstable/ % ./renameRX.sh
例) scp -Cp *.start aste10@aste-2c:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/ast10b8/sbrf10/
COSMOS : aste-2c:/cosmos3/aste/obstable/ast10b8/sbrf10/
COSMOS : aste-mx2:/home/obstable/ast10b8/sbrf10/ ScanMon: aste-mt2:${COSMOS3}/aste/obstable/ast10b8/sbrf10/
COSMOS : aste-w:${COSMOS3}/aste/obstable/ast10b8/sbrf10/ ScanMon: aste-w:${COSMOS3}/aste/obstable/ast10b8/sbrf10/
astebeam@aste-mx2$ source ~/.cshrc.linux または astebeam@aste-mx2$ source ~/.subrefrc
# .subrefrc # 27-Sep-10 - YT - created. # # DESCRIPTION # The run command file .subrefrc defines variables which are # used in the reduction tools for the subref (focus and radio # pointing) measurements of ASTE. The contents should be # updated for each commissioning session. The descriptions of # environmental variables are as follows: # # FCS_RED_ROOT - specifies a root directory where focus data # are reduced. # PNT_RED_ROOT - specifies a root directory where pointing # data are reduced. # ASTE_GROUP - specifies the observing account that you use # for subref (focus and radio pointing) measure- # ments. # ASTE_PROJECT - specifies the project under the ASTE_GROUP # account. # ASTE_PNT_OBST - specifies the obstable that is used for the # standard continuum pointing measurements. # JUP_TEMP_MIN - specifies the minimum Ta* intensity expected # for defocused beam-convolved Jupiter image, # which you allow to use for SUBREF_XYFIT analyses. # JUP_TEMP_MAX - specifies the maximum Ta* intensity. # JUP_FWHM_MIN - specifies the minimum FWHM expected for a # defocused beam-convolved Jupiter image, which # you allow to use for SUBREF_XYFIT analyses. # JUP_FWHM_MAX - specifiew the maximum FWHM. # SAT_****_*** - same as above, but for Saturn. # # NOTE # - The environment variables should be updated by a chief # commissioning scientist before a new commissioning session # begins. # - This file is intended to be 'sourced' by the .cshrc.linux # shell script.