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Recent changes
* Announcement [#l857b827]
- &color(red){[2023-09-22] Science observations with hete...
- [2023-07] Science observations started.
- [2023-06-22~07-11] CSV 2023.
- [2022-12] The subreflector problem was resolved by ASTE...
- [2021-08-12] The open-use program 2021 was cancelled.
-- The subreflector still cannot be moved due to its hard...
-- Bad weather conditions and manlift malfunction prevent...
- No observation was available in 2020 due to COVID-19.
//- The accepted proposals for 2020a are carried over to ...
//- [[2020-02-07 Call for proposals for the ASTE open-use...
* Status Report &size(12){ --- ASTE status summary}; [#yc...
//- Overview
//- Antenna
- Receiver
//-- DASH345
//-- BAND8
-- [[Current performance of DASH345 and BAND8, and their ...
- Spectrometer
//-- WHSF
//* Open-use Program [#ycbece86]
* Science Observation [#ycbece86]
** Schedule [#q66418d0]
*** %%Observation schedule of the open-use program 2021 (...
//*** &ref(Schedule2021_20210611.pdf,,Observation schedul...
- &color(red){[2021-08-12] The open-use program 2021 was ...
//- All observations are expected to be ran remotely from...
//- Support scientist schedule
** Preparations of observations [#ud48f6ff]
- Observation account and access to ASTE network
-- Observation account is required for preparing observat...
- You need to prepare observation tables, which instruct ...
- Please make sure that your observation tables are creat...
- [[How to make "Observation Table">Open-use_program/aobs]]
- [[How to make "Observation Table" (obsolete)>http://ast...
- [[A Guide to OTF Observations with ASTE>http://aste.nao...
- [[Sample device tables>Open-use_program/sample_device_t...
** Observation operation &size(10){🔒}; [#j164f8b6]
- [[Observation procedures &size(10){🔒};>_Open-us...
//- [[%%Operator's tasks (obsolete)%% &size(10){🔒...
- [[Observation operation conditions &size(10){🔒}...
*** [[*** Frequently asked questions and workarounds for ...
- If you face difficulties in ASTE operation during your ...
** Data delivery [#o5f1cc24]
- [[Quick look data &size(10){🔒};>_Open-use_progr...
- ''Full-size data''
-- PIs can download full-size data from [[''Nobeyama-45m ...
-- The data will become available ''within 1.5 months (ty...
//-- F-FX mode data are not provided yet, because its lin...
** Data reduction [#k9be622b]
- ''CASA'' is used to reduce ''position switching and on-...
- ''NEWSTAR'' is available ''for position switching obser...
- Here are links to relevant pages provided by Nobeyama R...
-- [[NEWSTAR manual>
-- [[How to install Java NEWSTAR>
-- How to install Export version NEWSTAR ([[Japanese>http...
- ''NOSTAR'', an IDL based package developed at Nobeyama ...
-- OTF data reduction page ([[Japanese>
** Publications using ASTE data [#gc6c2b02]
- [[Acknowledgement and references in publications>Open-u...
//#obsolete# [[Acknowledgement and references in publicat...
- [[Publication list>
* Demo Science Data [#rcaca191]
** [[Demo [CI](3P1-3P0) map of a star forming region RCW3...
- [[Data archive>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI#rfc2e34c]]
- [[Data information>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI#i092b09f]]
- [[Sample image>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI#ta9c1cdf]]
** [[Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) and CO(J=7-6) maps of a massive s...
- [[Data archive>Demo_science/ASTE_OriKL-CI-CO_CAT10#q351...
- [[Data information>Demo_science/ASTE_OriKL-CI-CO_CAT10#...
- [[Sample image>Demo_science/ASTE_OriKL-CI-CO_CAT10#e570...
** [[Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) maps of a massive star forming re...
- [[Data information>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI_CAT10#je8...
- [[Sample image>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI_CAT10#mcd3ae6...
* Calibrators [#e727593a]
- [[Reference sources>_Calibrators/Reference_Sources]] &s...
- [[Pointing calibrators>_Calibrators/Pointing_Calibrator...
* Contacts [#n7ff85a5]
//*** [[Contact information>_Contact_information]] &size(...
//- [[ASTE Helpdesk>
//*[[Contact information]] [#l9352850]
//*** ドキュメント [#o366701b]
//- [[ヘルプ>Help]] -- PukiWikiで編集するには?
//- [[Text formatting rules (Japanese)>FormattingRules_ja]]
//- [[Text formatting rules (English)>FormattingRules_en]]
//- [[プラグインマニュアル>PukiWiki/1.4/Manual/Plugin]]
//- [[Pukiwiki Help(English) 1:http://pukiwiki.sourceforg...
* Announcement [#l857b827]
- &color(red){[2023-09-22] Science observations with hete...
- [2023-07] Science observations started.
- [2023-06-22~07-11] CSV 2023.
- [2022-12] The subreflector problem was resolved by ASTE...
- [2021-08-12] The open-use program 2021 was cancelled.
-- The subreflector still cannot be moved due to its hard...
-- Bad weather conditions and manlift malfunction prevent...
- No observation was available in 2020 due to COVID-19.
//- The accepted proposals for 2020a are carried over to ...
//- [[2020-02-07 Call for proposals for the ASTE open-use...
* Status Report &size(12){ --- ASTE status summary}; [#yc...
//- Overview
//- Antenna
- Receiver
//-- DASH345
//-- BAND8
-- [[Current performance of DASH345 and BAND8, and their ...
- Spectrometer
//-- WHSF
//* Open-use Program [#ycbece86]
* Science Observation [#ycbece86]
** Schedule [#q66418d0]
*** %%Observation schedule of the open-use program 2021 (...
//*** &ref(Schedule2021_20210611.pdf,,Observation schedul...
- &color(red){[2021-08-12] The open-use program 2021 was ...
//- All observations are expected to be ran remotely from...
//- Support scientist schedule
** Preparations of observations [#ud48f6ff]
- Observation account and access to ASTE network
-- Observation account is required for preparing observat...
- You need to prepare observation tables, which instruct ...
- Please make sure that your observation tables are creat...
- [[How to make "Observation Table">Open-use_program/aobs]]
- [[How to make "Observation Table" (obsolete)>http://ast...
- [[A Guide to OTF Observations with ASTE>http://aste.nao...
- [[Sample device tables>Open-use_program/sample_device_t...
** Observation operation &size(10){🔒}; [#j164f8b6]
- [[Observation procedures &size(10){🔒};>_Open-us...
//- [[%%Operator's tasks (obsolete)%% &size(10){🔒...
- [[Observation operation conditions &size(10){🔒}...
*** [[*** Frequently asked questions and workarounds for ...
- If you face difficulties in ASTE operation during your ...
** Data delivery [#o5f1cc24]
- [[Quick look data &size(10){🔒};>_Open-use_progr...
- ''Full-size data''
-- PIs can download full-size data from [[''Nobeyama-45m ...
-- The data will become available ''within 1.5 months (ty...
//-- F-FX mode data are not provided yet, because its lin...
** Data reduction [#k9be622b]
- ''CASA'' is used to reduce ''position switching and on-...
- ''NEWSTAR'' is available ''for position switching obser...
- Here are links to relevant pages provided by Nobeyama R...
-- [[NEWSTAR manual>
-- [[How to install Java NEWSTAR>
-- How to install Export version NEWSTAR ([[Japanese>http...
- ''NOSTAR'', an IDL based package developed at Nobeyama ...
-- OTF data reduction page ([[Japanese>
** Publications using ASTE data [#gc6c2b02]
- [[Acknowledgement and references in publications>Open-u...
//#obsolete# [[Acknowledgement and references in publicat...
- [[Publication list>
* Demo Science Data [#rcaca191]
** [[Demo [CI](3P1-3P0) map of a star forming region RCW3...
- [[Data archive>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI#rfc2e34c]]
- [[Data information>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI#i092b09f]]
- [[Sample image>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI#ta9c1cdf]]
** [[Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) and CO(J=7-6) maps of a massive s...
- [[Data archive>Demo_science/ASTE_OriKL-CI-CO_CAT10#q351...
- [[Data information>Demo_science/ASTE_OriKL-CI-CO_CAT10#...
- [[Sample image>Demo_science/ASTE_OriKL-CI-CO_CAT10#e570...
** [[Demo [CI](3P2-3P1) maps of a massive star forming re...
- [[Data information>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI_CAT10#je8...
- [[Sample image>Demo_science/ASTE_RCW38-CI_CAT10#mcd3ae6...
* Calibrators [#e727593a]
- [[Reference sources>_Calibrators/Reference_Sources]] &s...
- [[Pointing calibrators>_Calibrators/Pointing_Calibrator...
* Contacts [#n7ff85a5]
//*** [[Contact information>_Contact_information]] &size(...
//- [[ASTE Helpdesk>
//*[[Contact information]] [#l9352850]
//*** ドキュメント [#o366701b]
//- [[ヘルプ>Help]] -- PukiWikiで編集するには?
//- [[Text formatting rules (Japanese)>FormattingRules_ja]]
//- [[Text formatting rules (English)>FormattingRules_en]]
//- [[プラグインマニュアル>PukiWiki/1.4/Manual/Plugin]]
//- [[Pukiwiki Help(English) 1:http://pukiwiki.sourceforg...