[[Tasks at Site]]

-Arrived at 11:15 and left 16:00.
-We checked the 65099 generator, it's Ok.
--65099 (ON, for test last night)
---RPM (1797), Hz (60), V L-N (125), V L-L (216), Oil Pres Psi ( 28), temp °C (77), Time (2477.25 hrs), KW (0), Charge control (Charger), Fuel (60%), Fuel Valve (open), racor filter (close).
--We stop the 65099 generator.
-Komatsu maintenance:
--With Shimajiri-san and Komatsu technical tried the procedure sent by Iwashita and Oshima-san, step by step, but not working.
--Komatsu people continuum working in the 65098 generator:
---The Komatsu technical regulated the solenoid of control and dipstick of governor, this task took close 3 hours (the steps was).
---1. The Komatsu technical changed the dipstick of governor position, we tried to start.
---2. If the RPM of the engine change, we stop the generator and he change the dipstick of governor position again.
---3. Usually the RPM increase.
---4. Stop the generator.
---5. Last start for check, work without problems.
-Check the generator: 
--Large fuel tank, Closed South 14.900L, Open North 11.500L.
--65098 (ON) 
---RPM (1795), Hz (59.8), V L-N (128), V L-L (222), Oil Pres Psi (0), temp °C (72), Time (1307.09 hrs), KW (0), Charge control (Charger), Fuel (70%), Fuel Valve (open), racor filter (close).
---We stop the 65098 generator.

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