[[Tasks at Site]] ---- 2012-05-15(Tue) - ASTE site: -- Arrived 09:00, left 17:30 (Oshima, Sato, MITSUBISHI people) -- Arrived 10:30, left 17:30 (Hirota, Minamidani) -- Arrived 10:30, left 15:30 (KOMATSU people) -- Telescope maintenance by MITSUBISHI people (Ichimura, Sakamoto) -- Ordinated cables at 19inch rack in the receiver cabin -- Modified the shelters for TES camera compressor and chiller -- Generator maintenance by KOMATSU --- #65098: 1000hrs maintenance --- #65099: 1000hrs maintenance -- Checked Genesets --- #65099(South): 1095.04hrs (RUNNING) --- #65098(North): 1014.46hrs (suspended) -- Checked Fuel tanks --- South: 14,000L (closed) --- North: 13,600L (OPEN) -- Checked fuel leakage from the South tank --- Still leaking... --- Fluid level is almost double of the first day.