[[Tasks at Site]]
- ASTE site: Arrived 09:00, left 14:50
-- Oshima, Iwashita, Minamidani

-- Received shipment from Japan
--- TES camera (CH-57, CH-58)
--- 7 boxes and 2 cartons

-- Ordinated shipment etc.
--- He horses etc. --> Antenna Shelter
--- Compressor and Chiller for the TES camera --> AzTEC container

-- Checked VLBI container

-- Checked Genesets
--- #65099(South): 513.2hrs (suspended)
--- #65098(North): 393.1hrs (RUNNING)
-- Checked Fuel tanks
--- South: 11500L (OPEN)
--- North: 10100L (closed)

-- Brought an item from the Site to Don Esteban
--- Camera Backend parts (2011-08-1 No.62)

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