[[Tasks at Site]]

-Arrived at 10:40 and left 13:00 (ASTE Site).
-Put a lock in the people door east defense and put the keys in the A3 key and back key box.
-I check the perimeter ASTE site, is Ok.
-Handa and Yamasaki-san check the antenna.
-Iwashita-san and me check the generator room.
--Check a power switches in a panel in the right side, close the south door.
--Check few switches inside the panel inn the 65099 generator.
--I put the numbers for the switch manual in both new generators.
--Put the old keys in the old generators (white container).
-Check the Generator #65098.
-#65098 198hrs. #466,59hrs.
-South: closed 13.800L, North: open 10.400L.
--#65098 198hrs. #65099 466,59hrs.
--South: closed 13.800L, North: open 10.400L.

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