[[Tasks at Site]] -Arrived at 10:00 and left 16:20 (ASTE Site). -I make backup data. -Iwashita-san moves the antenna for remove the snow. -We (Komatsu-ASTE-truck driver) put the empty bottle in the truck for carry to Antofagasta. -Changing generators (ASTE-Komatsu): --We removed the top and tires in the #7001 generator. --We put the old #7001 generator inside the white 40 ft container. --We removed the top and tires in the #7002 generator. --We put the old #7002 generator inside the white 40 ft container. --Komatsu connected the fuel line and makes a part for tube escape. -Check the generator #65099. --#65099 78.04hrs. --#65099 178.04hrs. --South:open 5500L, North:closed 4400L.