[[Tasks at Site]] -Arrived at 09:40 and left 13:30 (ASTE Site). -I make backup data. -We prepare some things for the next change generator, mainly order the tools and order generator room. -We checked the oil in the #7001 generator, is low. -We checked the status of the new generator, it's Ok. --Panel switches. --Ethernet cable panel. --Parameters: hrs, Hz, Average V L-N, Average V L-L, kW, RPM, Oil Press., Temp., Fuel (%), Battery, Fuel valve and Drain valve. --Switch Genset, #7001 --> South generator -Check the new generator "South generator". --South generator 98.42hrs. --South:open 6900L, North:closed 4400L. -We disconnect the power lines of the #7001 generator.