[[Tasks at Site]] -Arrived 11:10 and left 13:30 (ASTE Site). -Check the genset #7001. --#7001 10416hrs. #7002 9064hrs. --South:open 5900L, North:closed 7200L --We check a problem in the RPM measure system (maybe the cable is cut). -Continuum cleaning the white ft container. * Problem in the 7001 genset [#j801ceb8] |CENTER:&ref(DSCN2724.JPG,around,20%,,);&br;Problem in the #7001 genset RPM system|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2725.JPG,around,30%,,);&br;Cable is in angle|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2726.JPG,around,30%,,);&br;Cable is in angle (zoom)|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2727.JPG,around,30%,,);&br;Cable is correct in #7002 genset| |CENTER:&ref(DSCN2724.JPG,around,25%,,);&br;Problem in the #7001 genset RPM system|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2725.JPG,around,25%,,);&br;Cable is in angle|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2726.JPG,around,25%,,);&br;Cable is in angle (zoom)|CENTER:&ref(DSCN2727.JPG,around,25%,,);&br;Cable is correct in #7002 genset|